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read dynamic attribute value which is hidden on ARS form

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a requirement to share common password across multiple endpoints on database. For this we have created one dynamic attribute which fetches the stored password and passes at the time of createAccounts JSON. 

The issue is when we hide this attribute on ARS form, then blank value set for dynamic attribute. So is there any way to read the hidden dynamic attribute value? or is there any way to mask the value so that it won't be visible on form?





Hi @SeemaDas ,


Did you tried to create attribute with type Password?



Pandharinath Mahalle(Paddy)
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Is it possible to use SQL query using type "password"?

Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

@SeemaDas , If you can't find any ootb way to do it here as it seems like there is none.

you can scramble the password using replace in sql query and replace it back in create account JSON. Lets say A with & , B with * etc.. 

Don't name that attribute as Password. Name it something else and also add %%^$ something at the end of data scrambling and take it down in JSON.



Kind Regards,
Amit Malik
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