We recently upgraded to V 24.2 and the User Update Rule and Technical Rule ran fine on the users and able to see the rule printed in the user history though the task is not being generated for these users.
In the User Update Rule (Email_WriteBack) we have configured to Re-Run all Provisioning Rules
and in the related Technical Rule (AD_Account_Creation), we have added new account and add access tasks.
Can someone please let us know if this is an known issue in the newer version(24.2) and if yes, how can we troubleshoot and fix this?
Upon checking the logs, I'm seeing the following error related to Account Name.
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-services.WorkflowService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-Account Name Rule :null
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-services.WorkflowService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-Rule Not Found and Account Name with Username exists
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-saviynt.ImportExternalDbService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-Not creating Zero Day tasks for user-185194-account name could not not be derived
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-changeaction.UserChangeActionService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-createTaskzerodayprovisioning successful
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-changeaction.UserChangeActionService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-Processing rerun provisioning rule for -19207 , 185194 done
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-changeaction.UserChangeActionService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-RULERUNJOB ==> Re-run All Provisioning rules ACTION_ENDED
2024-03-28T11:53:52+05:30-ecm-worker-rulerun.RuleRunService-quartzScheduler_Worker-6-d65m8-DEBUG-RULERUNJOB ==> JOBID : 164600 USERKEY : 19207 USERNAME : 185194 System completed the UserUpdateRules rules process
[This post has been edited by a Moderator to remove sensitive information.]