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Pre-mitigated association approver

New Contributor II
New Contributor II



is there any possibility to assign multiple approvers for pre-mitigated association or to keep this field blank while creating this pre-mitigated association?






This is mandatory paramter and only 1 can be added

Manish Kumar
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

@Manu269   why pre-mitigated association in preventive SOD ( request level) is showing name of person who created the pre-mitigated association as "approved by" and not the name of person who is set up as approver? Is this some Saviynt bug?

Can you please add the screenshot of the same?

Manish Kumar
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

@Manu269  I blacked out some sensitive data, but the username that ends with 017 is my username. The one with 479 is the name of approver set up in pre-mitigated association. 







New Contributor II
New Contributor II

I have some more questions:

- is it possible to add the comment field from pre-mitigated association to the request?



- Depending on the User Type (Dialog or System User) and /or Account Type different mitigations are applicable. The Pre-Mitigated Associations should be able to differentiate between different user types and Account types in order to assign the right mitigation.

-Could we set up pre-mitigated associations in a way, that they are applied only to preventive and not detective SOD?


Ad if you could answer my question about approver that is visible in role request- it shows creator of the pre-mitigated association instead of the owner of this association that is setup. 

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


is there any possibility to change it and make the field not mandatory?

no not possible.

Its an OOTB feature

Manish Kumar
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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Approver in the pre-mitigation association is the approver of that particular pre-mitigation item not the request. So while approvers approves the request using this mitigation control , only request approver should be populated in the request. The pre mitigation association approver should not be populated in any request item. And I see its working the same in your case.

Also Approver is mandatory and cannot be made optional.

Comments of pre-mitigation are for the pre-mitigation only and should be seen/captured in request

No, as of now we do not support conditional pre-mitigation association. You can raise an enhancement in

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi @nimitdave 


but I am not the approver of the request. I only created pre-mitigated association and the request, so why my name is showing in audit trail of the request for assigned mitigating control? It is not correct at all. 

Comments field from pre-mitigated association is not visible in the request, so how can we make it visible, as your wrote it should be there. And what about the topic of having pre-mitigated associations working for preventive sod only. Should it be part of enhancement idea together with differentiation if it comes to user type?