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Parsing ownerIdPath from JSON value in REST connector for ImportAccountEntJSON Entitlement Owners

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

We have a ServiceNow REST connection that is mapping Entitlement Owners from Users provided through a separate connection. This is currently working properly by setting the ownerIdPath to the sys_created_by value returned from our ServiceNow Group endpoint.



  "entOwnerParams": {
    "entTypes": {
      "Group": {
        "call": {
          "call1": {
            "processingType": "httpOwner",
            "connection": "acctAuth",
            "showJobHistory": true,
            "callOrder": 0,
            "stageNumber": 0,
            "http": {
              "url": "XXXXXXXXX",
              "httpContentType": "application/json",
              "httpMethod": "GET",
              "httpHeaders": {
                "Accept": "application/json"
            "listField": "result",
            "entIdPath": "sys_id",
            "ownerIdPath": "sys_created_by",
            "ownerKeyField": "username",
            "entKeyField": "entitlementID"



However, the actual group owner username is contained within a JSON object that we need to parse out.



"result": [
		"manager": {
			"display_value": "Last, First (987654321)",
			"link": "XXXXXXXX"
		"name": "Test Group",
		"sys_id": "XXXXXXXX"
		"sys_created_by": "123456789"



We have tried to parse this username for the ownerIdPath using Groovy, but have been unable to map this value to the correct Entitlement Owner.

manager.display_value?.split('(')[1]?.replace(')', '')?.trim()

Is this possible here or is this syntax incorrect?




use syntax with CONST

Rushikesh Vartak
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