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Office 365 Integration

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi Everyone,

I have gone through the documentation in the given portal, but couldn't get it well.

Can someone please explain how the process flows in the O365 configuration?
What the Office365 agent will do in the IIS?
How will the IIS, Service Principal and Office 365 agent trigger and perform the things, Please Explain?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Saviynt_Savvy ,


Can you please let us know where you're facing the roadblock in your implementation so that us and the community can try to provide our inputs and help. Explaining a whole implementation is technically might not be a feasible thing to do.

The documentation you're referring to has all the detailed steps both on saviynt as well as target application end. Kindly refer to it simultaneously once you start performing the steps.



What is the relation between the Application Registered in Azure AD and the Sharepoint in the M365 account. Do they work together? 

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@Saviynt_Savvy ,

There are few ways how you can implement it

  1. provision AAD group and then that AAD will create a O365 account using UPN from AAD account.
  2. provision AAD SKU license and then that will do the same as 1.
  3. invoke a PS script in client AD server and that will do all things

What is your current usecase or requirement you're looking to achieve through O365 integration.



Hi Pruthvi,

Thanks for the reply.
It is the first use case we need to do.
I am new to Azure AD, so can you explain how the first use case can be done from saviynt.

1. Provision AAD group and then that AAD will create a O365 account using UPN from AAD account.

If available, could you please provide me the links regarding the other 2 use cases you have mentioned.

Thank You.