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Need to send separate email to ticketing referencing the analytics report.

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Regular Contributor

Hello all, is it possible to send a separate email to the ticketing everytime  an analytics generates a user's report?

For a context, we have analytics that generates the user's new account creation and add access, and it is scheduled for every 1 hour. We use external jar file to run the analytics and fetch its details and send email to ticketing for each individual users containing user's basic info as well as list of account name, application name and entitlement.

Now I'm trying to see if there is an OOTB option to do the same, so if the report has multiple users, then based on their information on analytics, ticketing should get email with certain attributes for each individual users in separate email.


  • No its not supported

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor

that was a hard pass lol, but anyways one of the support agents hinted me towards the possibility. I know sending a report in one email is possible, but we needed separate email for individual user whether they have one completed task or multiple----->one email. I'll post it on idea portal to see if it will get some traction.

You can create different reports 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

with the number of users and activities as such, not sure it is possible to generate users(dynamic) report for each user separately. But something to look into.