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Need info: GCP Account import mapping for Custom Property 1 and others

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We have set up an account and entitlement import for GCP using the Google Cloud Platform connector. 

Upon running an impot we get the following error: Data truncation: Data too long for column 'CUSTOMPROPERTY1' at row 1

We would like to address the root cause by updating the accounts in GCP directly.  However, we're unable to find any documentation on exactly how the connector is building the value to place into Custom Property 1.

The connector json and design menus only show up the following mappings:
{"customproperty3": "name.givenName~#~char","customproperty17": "name.familyName~#~char","customproperty19": "organizations~#~json","customproperty20": "relations~#~json","customproperty21": "customSchemas~#~json","customproperty22": "phones~#~json","customproperty23": "addresses~#~json","customproperty24": "locations~#~json"}

Since it is not listed here, we are assuming that the custom property 1 is being mapped by the GCP connector 'under the hood' using some logic that we're unable to see or edit directly.

We can also see that the default mapping for custom property 1 is building a value using multiple distinct fields coming in from GCP accounts.  Example: [[, type:work], [, primary:true], []]

This is making it difficult/impossible for us to identify the GCP accounts that have a 'too long' value for Cutom Property 1 and therefore we cannot clean up the data import errors.

A search through the GCP connector documentation for more information on how this field is mapped was not successful.  We are reaching out here for additional guidance.

How are custom properties NOT listed in the connector's ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING json  being mapped by the default Google Cloud Platform connector?  




default mapping is  "customproperty1", "emails~#~char",

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thank you for the reply.

Is there reference material available that shows this mapping?

If so, can you please provide a link?

@henrymaliszews : GCP by default maps some of the attributes in connector itself which you can refer Creating-a-Connection-using-the-Service-Account-Key to look at default mappings. Incase any of the default mapping is causing issue then you can override the mapping to some other CP using connection attribute: ACCOUNT_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING


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