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Multiple Attributes support in 'Parent Attribute' section for an endpoint Dynamic Attribute

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hello Team,

We have a dataset having 3 columns under Dataset Values: 

Column 1: Cluster, Column 2: Application, Column 3: Level

Under an Endpoint, we have created 3 dynamic attributes (of type Single Select From SQL Query):

Attribute 1: Cluster, Attribute 2: Application, Attribute 3: Level

Values for these dynamic attributes are fetched from the above dataset.

For the attribute "Level", values to be displayed are dependent on selection made in both "Cluster" and "Application" fields. Under the 'Parent Attribute' field within the "Level" dynamic attribute, we tried writing something like 'Cluster,Application' but it did not work. The values were not fetched for the "Level" field.


Sample query which we are trying to use in the 'Values' field within the "Level" dynamic attribute is as follows:

select distinct attribute3 as id from dataset_values where datasetkey=54 and attribute1=${Cluster} and attribute2=${Application};

Request anyone to kindly advise as to how can we achieve this requirement. Please do let me know in case any more information required on this.

Thanks and Regards,



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @kushalpatadia 

For one DA there can only be one parent attribute , multiple doesn't work so in the above use case you can use for attribute 2, 1 as primary and for attribute3 , 2 as primary .

This will fetch the result accordingly as per attribute 1 and attribute 2.


