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LDAP User import query

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi Guys,

While setting up user import from LDAP in Saviynt stage environment, i found RECONCILIATION FIELD mapping at two different places. so wanted to understand how they are linked and what happens if we ignore config at one place?

First place is  - inside LDAP connector, we have to map RECONCILATION_FIELD under USER_ATTRIBUTE. i am using this ldap attribute "entryUUID" here.

Second place is - inside Job Control Panel, when we create a trigger for user import we should select a field in "Reconciliation Field" dropdown ( which by default uses "username") but i am not selecting any value and going with default value.

So how this configuration will behave and what would be the impact on user data, if any?






  1. LDAP Connector Configuration:

    • In the LDAP connector configuration, you're mapping the RECONCILIATION_FIELD under USER_ATTRIBUTE. This essentially tells Saviynt which LDAP attribute to use as the unique identifier for each user during the reconciliation process.
    • In your case, you're using the LDAP attribute entryUUID as the reconciliation field. This means Saviynt will use the entryUUID attribute to uniquely identify and reconcile users between the LDAP source and Saviynt.
  2. Job Control Panel Configuration:

    • When creating a trigger for user import in the Job Control Panel, there's an option to select a field in the "Reconciliation Field" dropdown. By default, this field is often set to username.
    • If you don't explicitly select a value in this dropdown and go with the default value (username), it means that during the user import process, Saviynt will reconcile users based on their LDAP username, rather than the entryUUID configured in the LDAP connector.

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

thanks @rushikeshvartak . So, does that mean we should have same field configured at both the places? and if that's not done then Saviynt will create duplicate records for same user?

second thought is, Connector configuration is used to reconcile data with Users table in Saviynt and job configuration is used to reconcile data with some temp table or cache? if that's the case then Saviynt will not create duplicate entries in users table, is it correct understanding?

third, i have configured customproperty37=entryUUID in connector so can i use "customproperty37" in job configuration?

ideally username is considered as primary attribute for recon

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Thanks @rushikeshvartak. not sure why documentation is referring to other attribute like "objectGUID / entryUUID" Understanding the Integration Between EIC and LDAP Interfaces (

now that i have already imported data using "entryUUID", changing this to "username" will create duplicate records so is there any way we can delete existing user data and try fresh?

You can't delete any users data

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Do you mean no one can do this? or support team can help us do this?

if that's the case then Saviynt documentation has to be perfect by including all such important pointers.

if above is not feasible, can we mark all the existing users as Inactive in bulk?





Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @rushikeshvartak can you please confirm on my query?

Using import sheet you can mark users inactive in bulk . Support team also will not be able to delete users

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

thanks @rushikeshvartak for the suggestion. i gave it a try and it worked when i did it just for one user. 

later, i increased count of users in csv file to ~2600 and on UI i got this error "504 Bad Gateway" but actually the records were processed by Saviynt in backend.

So, is there any limitation to this functionality? why UI showing 504 error for such a small count of user update?

5 minutes is ideal timeout but records get processed in background

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Ok. i could see Http session timeout in Global config which is 30 minutes but didnt find anything related to 5 mins timeout. where i can find this config?

One more question - after our discussion i changed the recon mapping in USER_ATTRIBUTES to "RECONCILATION_FIELD::username" (earlier it was RECONCILATION_FIELD::CUSTOMPROPERTY37 where CUSTOMPROPERTY37::entryUUID#String). Few minutes back i executed the LDAP full user import job but it didn't create duplicate records. I am not able to understand this behavior. Please help.

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @rushikeshvartak  can you please through some light on above queries?

another query is - we are using one of ldap attribute to identify user status and that attributes value is either 0 or 1. but for many users that attribute doesn't exist (which also means that those are disabled users in LDAP) in ldap and such users show hyphen ("-") in Status column in Saviynt. Is there a way we can mark such users as Inactive?



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Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @rushikeshvartak i was using it earlier but i am not sure how to catch such users status. i have tried to define all possible values but still it shows hyphen in status.


what db valule of statuskey 


select distinct statuskey from users

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

0, 1 & null

PFA screenshot for reference.

Did you tried using #CONST in import json

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Do you mean inside USER_ATTRIBUTE config? Can you please share an example how and where i can use #CONST in import user json to achieve my use case? neither i see  any such example in documentation nor it says we can use any expressions in USER_ATTRIBUTE. 




ignore its not supported in LDAP

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

1) But its clearly mentioned in LDAP connector documentation Understanding the Integration Between EIC and LDAP Interfaces ( How do one know if its not supported?

2) Need your help on this - If we have enabled SSO for Saviynt login and all the existing users becomes "inactive" by mistake then whats the workaround to login and update user status?

#1 Provide feedback on documentation 

#2 Raise support ticket / reach out csm for account

Rushikesh Vartak
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We have verified and the STATUSKEYJSON configuration is supported for the LDAP connector. The LDAP connector documentation does not need an update.

Regular Contributor III
Regular Contributor III

Hi @JayashreeL its not supported for user import. may be its only applicable for Accounts import. please double check this and confirm.