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json mapping for account creation

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

in the CreateAccountJson for AD how can i reference the value associated to a customproperty4 of a target account associated to the user.
For example, below what would be the syntax to get employeeID value that is listed as customattribute 4 of APP1 for the user

"mail":"${if( == null){''} else {}}",
"title":"${if(user.title == null){''} else {user.title}}",
"employeeID":" ? "




Hi @myasin ,

Try below expression to get value of CP4 from the account assigned to same user on endpoint "APP1".


Pandharinath Mahalle(Paddy)
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

when I add :


I get the below error:

Error while creating account in AD - No such property: userAccount for class: SimpleTemplateScript18856


Hi @myasin ,

You can use sav4sav to copy value from user’s account custompropertyX to user’s custompropertyX.

Once user’s custompropertyX is updated, you can push that value on other target accounts as well using update rule with action update account tasks.

Let me know if it helps.

Pandharinath Mahalle(Paddy)
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