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Issue with Moving Active Directory Account to OU with Existing Account

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I'm facing an issue while trying to move an AD account to an OU where another account with the same first name and last name already exists.

Here's the scenario:

  1. Initially, I created an account in the OU "TestUsers" with the following DN: CN=Last Name\First Name, OU=TestUsers, DC=test, DC=com
  2. Then, I created another account with the same first name and last name in the same OU. AD appended "1" to the last name, resulting in: CN=Last Name1\First Name, OU=TestUsers, DC=test, DC=com
  3. I moved the second account to the "DevUsers" OU: CN=Last Name1\First Name, OU=DevUsers, DC=test, DC=com
  4. After moving the second account, I created a third account with the same first name and last name. AD provisioned this account in the "TestUsers" OU by appending "1" to the last name: CN=Last Name1\First Name, OU=TestUsers, DC=test, DC=com
  5. When I tried to move the third account to the "DevUsers" OU, where the second account is already present, I encountered the following error: "Error while Update operation for account-tmcwhorter2 in AD - CN=${user.lastname+', '+user.firstname},OU=DevUsers,dc=test,dc=com: [LDAP: error code 34 - 0000208F: LdapErr: DSID-0C090A95, comment: Error processing name, data 0, v4f7c]"

I would greatly appreciate if anyone could shed some light on why this error is occurring and provide guidance on how to resolve this issue or suggest an alternative approach.





Ensure uniqueness across domain or add unique number/ employee id in CN

Rushikesh Vartak
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