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i created an application after Provisioning , the user ad account is created as inactive

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New Contributor

Hi , 

I have created an application through endpoint filter , account is also getting created , if i check in user account , but account is getting created inactive , i checked the connection json , and updated the threshold config as well , but still its not working for me.




  • Account is inactive after new account task provisioning or after import ?
  • Please share create account json 
  • Please share logs in text file

Rushikesh Vartak
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  • Account is inactive  after import .
  • Create account json :{
    "givenName": "${user.firstname}",
    "sn": "${user.lastname}",
    "displayName": "${task.accountName.split("-")[0] + '-' + user.firstname.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + user.firstname.substring(1).toLowerCase() + " " + user.lastname.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + user.lastname.substring(1).toLowerCase()}",
    "middleName": "${user.middlename}",
    "employeeNumber": "${user.employeeid}",

    "title": "${user.jobDescription}",
    "objectClass": [
    "userAccountControl": "${user.statuskey==1?'512':'514'}",
    "businessCategory": "${user.orgunitid}",
    "otherMailbox": "${user.secondaryEmail}",
    "l": "${user.location}",
    "userPrincipalName": "${task.accountName.replace(" ","")+''}",
    "employeeID": "${user.username}",
    "comment" : "${user.customproperty61}",
    "sAMAccountName": "${task.accountName.replace(" ","")}"
  • amy tasks is not getting completed its giving error. Sometime my task is getting completed sometime not .
  • Log is attched 

  • Does account got crated in target application ?
  • What is status threshold config mapping for status ?

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Yes account got created for the completed task , but incative account.

{ "statusAndThresholdConfig": { "statusColumn": "CUSTOMPROPERTY6", "activeStatus": [ "512", "544", "66048" ], "inactiveStatus": [ "546", "514", "66050" ], "deleteLinks": false, "accountThresholdValue": 1000, "correlateInactiveAccounts": true, "inactivateAccountsNotInFile": true, "lockedStatusColumn": "", "lockedStatusMapping": { "Locked": [ "" ], "Unlocked": [ "" ] } } }

What is value in accounts CUSTOMPROPERTY6

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor
New Contributor

My task is getting completed . Should i share log for that.


New Contributor
New Contributor

Riya_0-1727118722607.pngFor inactive account , this red symbol is showing why is it coming like this?

  • What about other accounts ?
  • does status is updated properly ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor

yes for all created , status key is 512 only 


What is saviynt status 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

New Contributor
New Contributor

in account detail status shows inactive , are u asking anything else?


  • Does all accounts status is inactive ?

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Yes all accounts after running job status will be changed from manually provisoned to inactive

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@Riya if it's AD connector it is preferable to use cp34 for storing the account status deeltails and change the below highlighted value to false.

{ "statusAndThresholdConfig": { "statusColumn": "CUSTOMPROPERTY6", "activeStatus": [ "512", "544", "66048" ], "inactiveStatus": [ "546", "514", "66050" ], "deleteLinks": false, "accountThresholdValue": 1000, "correlateInactiveAccounts": true, "inactivateAccountsNotInFile": false, "lockedStatusColumn": "", "lockedStatusMapping": { "Locked": [ "" ], "Unlocked": [ "" ] } } }