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How do I generate a report to list apps and their Entitlements

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I have created logical AD apps in Saviynt. But, our team does not want all the entitlements for these apps to be requestable. SO, I want to download those apps and their entitlement. This way the team can tell me which entitlement they want requestable and which one they don't want.



How do I make the entitlement not requestable once this team tell me the entitlement they don't want to be requestable from the downloaded Application and entitlements


  • You can set flag on Entitlement Customproperty 1 = NON_REQUESTABLE
  • In order to hide from requesting by end user. Add below query in entitlement type configuration
  • rushikeshvartak_0-1724098352831.png


  • Query to extract all Entitlements 
  • rushikeshvartak_1-1724098585628.png


  • SELECT ev.entitlement_value,
    FROM   entitlement_values ev
           JOIN entitlement_types et
             ON ev.entitlementtypekey = et.entitlementtypekey
           JOIN endpoints ep
             ON ep.endpointkey = et.endpointkey
    WHERE  ep.endpointname = 'Blackline' 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hello @rushikeshvartak 


When I ran this query in Data Analyzer:

  • SELECT ev.entitlement_value,
    FROM   entitlement_values ev
           JOIN entitlement_types et
             ON ev.entitlementtypekey = et.entitlementtypekey
           JOIN endpoints ep
             ON ep.endpointkey = et.endpointkey
    WHERE  ep.endpointname = 'Blackline' 

But I got No data found. But I have about 15 AD apps and 43 eDir Apps with their Entitlements currently in Saviynt as Logical Apps. So, I am trying to generate a report for those apps and their entitlements. Let me know what the right query would be. Thank you

  • SELECT ev.entitlement_value,
    FROM   entitlement_values ev
           JOIN entitlement_types et
             ON ev.entitlementtypekey = et.entitlementtypekey
           JOIN endpoints ep
             ON ep.endpointkey = et.endpointkey
    WHERE  ep.endpointname in ('App1','App2')

Add your application in where clause share screenshot of data analyzer

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

no data found.PNG

You need to update query and add your application name i have given sample app name as blackline


  • SELECT ev.entitlement_value,
    FROM   entitlement_values ev
           JOIN entitlement_types et
             ON ev.entitlementtypekey = et.entitlementtypekey
           JOIN endpoints ep
             ON ep.endpointkey = et.endpointkey
    WHERE  ep.endpointname in ('App1','App2')

Change App1 , App2 to your application names 

Rushikesh Vartak
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