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Entitlement End date update Enhanced Query Execution

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Hi Team,

Am not able to update entitlement end date can you confirm which format it allow.


Enhanced Query Execution:

select '05-09-2024' as account_entitlements1__ENDDATE,a.ACCENTKEY as account_entitlements1__primarykey from account_entitlements1 a where a.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY='xxx' and a.accountkey=xxx

tried : 05-09-2024,09-05-2024,05-09-2024 07:30:47,10-09-2024 07:30:47

it is possible to update backed ?



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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi @Raghu ,

Try this

  • If the end date falls in future


select date(now() + Interval 5 day) as account_entitlements1__ENDDATE,a.ACCENTKEY as account_entitlements1__primarykey from account_entitlements1 a where a.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY=<entitlementkey> and a.accountkey=<accountkey>


  • If you want end date to be the past 


select date(now() - Interval 5 day) as account_entitlements1__ENDDATE,a.ACCENTKEY as account_entitlements1__primarykey from account_entitlements1 a where a.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY=<entitlementkey> and a.accountkey=<accountkey>


This is working!

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Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

@PremMahadikar  we have requirement specific date need to update? getting incorrect date.

date function we tried already have mutiple account we need to update all, we can't update manually function + value any alternative ?

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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

In Saviynt, the entitlement end date should be in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'. Based on your query, it seems that you are using the format 'DD-MM-YYYY'.

Please try updating the query with the correct format as shown below:

sql select '2024-09-05' as account_entitlements1__ENDDATE, a.ACCENTKEY as account_entitlements1__primarykey from account_entitlements1 a where a.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY = 'xxx' and a.accountkey = 'xxx'
Make sure to replace 'xxx' with the appropriate values for 'ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY' and 'accountkey'. This query should update the entitlement end date accordingly.

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Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I got the solution Thank you..!

select STR_TO_DATE('05-12-2024', '%m-%d-%Y') as account_entitlements1__ENDDATE,a.ACCENTKEY as account_entitlements1__primarykey from account_entitlements1 a where a.ENTITLEMENT_VALUEKEY='XXXX' and a.accountkey=XXX

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Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi @itinjic ,

Yes, this is the right format - YYYY-MM-DD

All the above solution works!