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Email template for child and parent

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hello Experts,

We have a parent-child mapping and it is working fine, but for email templates when the task is completed for add and remove access  at the parent level, the email should be sent out with the child endpoint name.

we need to configure the notifications to be sent at the parent level since the access isn't actually provisioned until its completed at the parent level.

Email template

<div>Hi ${user.firstname} ${user.lastname},</div><div><br><br></div><div>Your <% if (task?.tasktype == 1) print "Add Access" else if (task?.tasktype == 2) print "Remove Access" else if (task?.tasktype == 3) print "New Account" else ""%> request ${requestid} has been approved and provisioned in ${endpointDisplayName}.</div><div><br></div><div>You can find the details of the request in Request History</b></a>.</div><div><br></div><div><b>Request ID:</b> ${requestid} <br><b>Request Type:</b> <% if (task?.tasktype == 1) print "Add Access" else if (task?.tasktype == 2) print "Remove Access" else if (task?.tasktype == 3) print "New Account" else "N/A"%><br><div><b>Requested For: </b>${user.firstname} ${user.lastname} [${user.username}] <br></div><div><b>Requested By:</b> ${requestor.firstname} ${requestor.lastname}<br><b>Application: </b>${endpointDisplayName}<br><b>Entitlement</b>: ${entitlement}<br><br><br><div><div> <br> <br>


In the highlighted place, we need to display child endpoint name when the parent task is provisioned.




Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @rushikeshvartak , thanks for the response.

I have tried the above binding variable , it is working for parent but we need to get the child endpoint name in the template

You will not get child endpoint in parent task details. This is not supported. Please raise idea ticket for same

Rushikesh Vartak
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Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @sk, is the task getting created for parent or child endpoint??

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @NM , task will be created for both parent and child but the email should trigger when the parent task provisions. In the email template the endpoint name should be child endpoint name

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @sk , I don't think so that will be possible as the task created for parent won't be having info on child endpoint.