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Email notifications configured at the Endpoint level are not being sent

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

We would like to notify the requestor when a manual task gets completed. 

For this we were thinking of configuring email templates at the Endpoint level like this but this does not seem to be working.

I generated a new account request for an endpoint configured with this setting and the email is not being sent when the task gets completed. As a troubleshooting step I used my email instead of variables in the TO of email template used but still not working.


There is this option in Global Config/Tasks which is currently not configured but I was thinking enabling this might trigger email notifications for all Task Completed while we would like to control for which Endpoints (mainly the disconnected ones) we want to do this.


What is the best way to do this?

Thank you!


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

I just wanted to add that for troubleshooting purposes I added Task Create email action on the same Endpoint and using the same Email Template and this one works as opposed to Task Complete.


For the test on a Pending Task, I first Claim the task then complete it as we would normally do.

Is there a known issue regarding the Task Complete option at the Endpoint level?

Thank you,

Please share email template. It seems you are using dynamic variables which are not supported

To get what variables are present to use in the email template, check using the below expression. By putting it in the email body, it will print all variable names with values, and then accordingly, you can use it:

${this.binding.variables.each {k,v -> println "$k = $v" + "" + "br" + ">"}}


Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi rushikeshvartak,

You were correct about this as we were using a few invalid variables since the template "inspiration" came from an approval workflow template. It seems not all the same variables can be used at the Endpoint level. Thank you for the line to list all available variables. Very usefull!

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Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @glegault ,

I see you have mentioned 'manual task gets completed'. Is this task closed manually?

If so, while completing the task, did you enable the below configuration,


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Hi PremMahadikar,

OMG I did not see this option before thank you for this!

Is there a setting to put this ON by default?

Thank you!

@glegault ,

No, there is no default option currently to set it always.

There is an enhancement on this which is accepted by Saviynt product team. Let's wait for further release.


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@glegault ,

Additional information:

This manual enabling of triggering the email is only needed when you manually complete the task. (I mean for disconnected application)

For connected application, emails are triggered automatically.

The idea is for disconnected application to have this configuration set default.

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Thank you PremMahadikar.

This is exactly our need. For disconnected applications, our IAM operators manually claim and eventually complete pending tasks. It is at this point that we want the requester to receive a confirmation email. Completing the task while setting the Endpoint Level Email Templates to ON works but the risk of the operator forgetting to put it ON remains. This is why I was as asking about the default to ON option.

To avoid issue we have attached email template at global configuration.

Idea was raised by me currently we don’t have ETA / product release version

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi rushikeshvartak,

The Global Config was also part of our initial question. When you attach email template at global configuration/Tasks, how can you control for which endpoints you want emails to be sent when a task gets completed? We want to do this only for for manual pending tasks that are claimed/completed by IAM operators and not all completed tasks.

Thank you.

By default connected applications owner is admin so email will not be sent and in case of disconnected email will be sent to owner

Rushikesh Vartak
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I guess it depends of each use case. In our situation we send to ${} in the email template so if I use this template in Global Config/Tasks/Task Complete Email Template I was thinking the requestor would receive emails for all Endpoints, connected or disconnected when the tasks complete.



In this case you can use endpoint custom property and decide whether you want to send email or not 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Would you mind sharing a little more details on this suggestion? Do you mean for example setting a CP to 0 or 1 on each Endpoints? Where would you evaluate the value? From the email template itself?

Thank you again for the tips!


Cc : <% if((task?.requestKey?.requestOrigin =="BULK_REQUEST") || (task?.source =="UPDATE_ROLE") || ((task?.requestKey == null) && (task?.source =="REQUEST") && (task?.tasktype == 1)) || (task?.requestKey?.requesttype == 6)) print "NULL" else if ((task?.requestKey !=null) && ((task?.endpoint?.customproperty3!=null) && (!task?.endpoint?.customproperty3.isEmpty()) && (task?.endpoint?.customproperty3.equalsIgnoreCase('requestoremail')))) print "${}" else if (task?.requestKey !=null && (task?.endpoint?.customproperty3!=null) && (!task?.endpoint?.customproperty3.isEmpty()) ) print "${task?.endpoint?.customproperty3}" else if ((task?.endpoint?.endpointname.startsWith('-bcd'))) print "" else print "NULL" %>


here cp3 logic we stored email to be sent or you can update logic as per your requirements 

Rushikesh Vartak
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Thank you rushikeshvartak.

We will look into this and find the best approach for us but at least now I see 2 possible options so thank you for the tips!

Personnaly, I prefer using the email templates at the endpoint level as I find this to be more user friendly and flexible since depending on endpoints / needs we could use different templates if needed. The only downside I see is the option that cannot be defaulted to ON when manually completing a task but I think we could live with this until the option becomes available at some point in the future.

Agreed. We should think about end users perspective instead of asking or instructing we should fix by our configuration 

Rushikesh Vartak
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