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Email Generation Rule by Advance query

New Contributor
New Contributor


I need the email generation Logic for the follow use case with the help of advance query.

Email Address creation logic: -

a.     Firstname + ‘. ‘+

              Example: Firstname= John, Lastname= Doe, Email=

b.     Duplicates will have incrementing numbers starting from 1.

                Example: , , .

c.       If Firstname is missing, use Lastname (without period).

             Example: Lastname= Doe, email= 

d.     If Lastname is missing, use Firstname (without period).

             Example: Firstname= John, email=

e.     Special characters (_@.-') allowed in e-mail.

  1. Accented characters except apostrophe's will be converted in email generation.


  1. Preferred Firstname and Lastname will be taken into consideration for creation of     

         Email Address if available in place of the Firstname and Lastname.

[This message has been edited by moderator to mask sensitive information]



Refer Sample :

when ((users.customproperty19 = 'ABC' or users.customproperty19 = 'DEF') and users.lastname is not null and users.customproperty2= 'DC') THEN concat(users.firstname,'.',replace(users.lastname,' ',''),'.dc', '')
when ((users.customproperty19 = 'ABC' or users.customproperty19 = 'DEF') and users.lastname is null and users.customproperty2= 'DC') THEN concat(users.firstname,'.dc', '')
when ((users.customproperty19 = 'ABC' or users.customproperty19 = 'DEF') and users.lastname is not null and users.customproperty2 not in ('XYZ','PQR')) THEN concat(users.firstname,'.',replace(users.lastname,' ',''), '')
when ((users.customproperty19 = 'ABC' or users.customproperty19 = 'DEF') and users.lastname is null and users.customproperty2 not in ('XYZ','PQR')) THEN concat(users.firstname, '')
when (users.customproperty19 = 'MNO' and users.lastname is not null and users.customproperty2= 'DC') THEN concat(users.firstname,'.',replace(users.lastname,' ',''),'.dc', '')
when (users.customproperty19 = 'MNO' and users.lastname is null and users.customproperty2= 'DC') THEN concat(users.firstname,'.dc', '')
when (users.customproperty19 = 'MNO' and users.lastname is not null) THEN concat(users.firstname,'.',replace(users.lastname,' ',''), '')
when (users.customproperty19 = 'MNO' and users.lastname is null) THEN concat(users.firstname,'')

Manish Kumar
If the response answered your query, please Accept As Solution and Kudos

New Contributor
New Contributor


Please, can you check the problem statement and let me know the appropriate query for it?

[This post has been edited by a Moderator. We discourage the @ mention of other forum users or employees unless they have already involved themselves on the forum post.]

Based on sample provided you can generate email generation rule. If you face issue let us know, please prepare base rule 

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find this response useful, kindly consider selecting 'Accept As Solution' and clicking on the 'Kudos' button.

Hi @anujapawar ,

Use below query as reference: (It as 2 iterations)

WHEN (preferedfirstname!='' OR preferedfirstname is not null) AND (preferedlastname!='' OR preferedlastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(concat(preferedfirstname,'.',preferedlastname),null),'')
WHEN (preferedfirstname='' OR preferedfirstname is null) AND (preferedlastname!='' OR preferedlastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(preferedlastname,null),'')
WHEN (preferedfirstname!='' OR preferedfirstname is not null) AND (preferedlastname='' OR preferedlastname is null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(preferedfirstname,null),'')
WHEN (firstname!='' OR firstname is not null) AND (lastname!='' OR lastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(concat(firstname,'.',lastname),null),'')
WHEN (firstname='' OR firstname is null) AND (lastname!='' OR lastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(lastname,null),'')
WHEN (firstname!='' OR firstname is not null) AND (lastname='' OR lastname is null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(firstname,null),'')
WHEN (preferedfirstname!='' OR preferedfirstname is not null) AND (preferedlastname!='' OR preferedlastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(concat(preferedfirstname,'.',preferedlastname),null),'1','')
WHEN (preferedfirstname='' OR preferedfirstname is null) AND (preferedlastname!='' OR preferedlastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(preferedlastname,null),'1','')
WHEN (preferedfirstname!='' OR preferedfirstname is not null) AND (preferedlastname='' OR preferedlastname is null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(preferedfirstname,null),'1','')
WHEN (firstname!='' OR firstname is not null) AND (lastname!='' OR lastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(concat(firstname,'.',lastname),null),'1','')
WHEN (firstname='' OR firstname is null) AND (lastname!='' OR lastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(lastname,null),'1','')
WHEN (firstname!='' OR firstname is not null) AND (lastname='' OR lastname is null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(firstname,null),'1','')
WHEN (preferedfirstname!='' OR preferedfirstname is not null) AND (preferedlastname!='' OR preferedlastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(concat(preferedfirstname,'.',preferedlastname),null),'2','')
WHEN (preferedfirstname='' OR preferedfirstname is null) AND (preferedlastname!='' OR preferedlastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(preferedlastname,null),'2','')
WHEN (preferedfirstname!='' OR preferedfirstname is not null) AND (preferedlastname='' OR preferedlastname is null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(preferedfirstname,null),'2','')
WHEN (firstname!='' OR firstname is not null) AND (lastname!='' OR lastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(concat(firstname,'.',lastname),null),'2','')
WHEN (firstname='' OR firstname is null) AND (lastname!='' OR lastname is not null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(lastname,null),'2','')
WHEN (firstname!='' OR firstname is not null) AND (lastname='' OR lastname is null) THEN  concat(FN_EIC_REPLACE(firstname,null),'2','')


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