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Dynamic attribute in email template

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi Team,

we have to print a value based on dynamic attribute value chosen by user while submitting the request.

I tried comparing the value, but email fails

Tried these 2 didn't work

<% if ("${accessItems.collect{it.request_access_attrss.findAll{it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('DAJUST')}.collect{it.attributeValue}}.get(0).toString().replace('[','').replaceA(']','')}"=="other") print "test1" else print "testelse" %>

<% if (${accessItems.collect{it.request_access_attrss.findAll{it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('DAJUST')}.collect{it.attributeValue}}.get(0).toString().replace('[','').replaceA(']','')}=="other") print "test1" else print "testelse" %>

if any other way we can compare dynamic attribute and its value.


@rushikeshvartak @PremMahadikar @naveenss , anything which I can try for above query.. bit urgent for us



Hi @NM ,

Did you try below code from documentation?


${accessItems.findAll{it.request_access_attrss.size()}.collect{it.request_access_attrss.findAll{!it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('ENT_BY_RULE_ADD'))}.collect{it.attributeName.toString() + ':' +it.attributeValue}.join('###')}}

Obtains all the dynamic attributes in the request.

${accessItems.collect{ it.request_access_attrss.find{it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('Location')}.collect{it.attributeValue}}.get(0)}

${accessItems.collect{ it.request_access_attrss.find{it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('Location')}.collect{it.attributeValue}}}

where, Location is the dynamic attribute name.

Obtains the name of a particular dynamic attribute and its value f

If this helps, please consider selecting Accept As Solution and hit Kudos

When I try this I get this error while saving the email template"Operation not allowed as you are entering a value that resembles or contains script code"

"${accessItems.findAll{it.request_access_attrss.size()}.collect{it.request_access_attrss.findAll{!it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('ENT_BY_RULE_ADD'))}.collect{it.attributeName.toString() + ':' +it.attributeValue}.join('###')}}"

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @shine,

Till this part it will print

${accessItems.collect{ it.request_access_attrss.find{it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('Location')}.collect{it.attributeValue}}.get(0)}

New Contributor
New Contributor

I tried-



"Operation not allowed as you are entering a value that resembles or contains script code" is the error I get while saving it 

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Try below @shine 

${accessItems.collect{ it.request_access_attrss.find{it.attributeName.toString().equalsIgnoreCase('Location')}.collect{it.attributeValue}}.get(0)}


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @PremMahadikar , I was able to print the value but comparing the dynamic attribute with multiple value wasn't working but i was able to figure it out.. 

Thank you for your help!!