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Defining Trusted Source / Authoritative Source in Saviynt

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Hello All,

We already have the users created in our Saviynt environment. Now the client is planning to import the employees from SAP and contractor from Service Now. My question is how are the trusted source defined in Saviynt . Like when we create the connection in Saviynt for SAP and Service Now how to define and make it as priority source (trusted source for Users).

How to avoid from creating duplicate users in Saviynt ?

What are the configs to be taken care to make it as authoritative source or trusted source ?



  • Make sure username is same to avoid conflicts
  • 1. Configuring Trusted Sources in Saviynt:

    a. Define Trusted Sources:

    • In Saviynt, you can define trusted sources through the Identity Warehouse.
    • Navigate to the Identity Warehouse configuration in Saviynt's administration console.
    • Add SAP and ServiceNow as separate Identity Sources.

    b. Setting Priority:

    • Within Saviynt, you can set the priority of each Identity Source to establish which source should be authoritative for user data.
    • Typically, you'd prioritize SAP over ServiceNow if SAP holds primary employee data.

    c. Avoiding Duplicate Users:

    • Use unique identifiers (like Employee IDs from SAP or some unique identifier from ServiceNow) to map users accurately in Saviynt.
    • Configure Saviynt's synchronization rules to ensure that new users are matched against existing users based on these identifiers to avoid duplicates.

    2. Configurations for Authoritative Source:

    a. Attribute Mapping:

    • Ensure that the attributes (like user IDs, names, roles) are correctly mapped from SAP and ServiceNow to Saviynt.
    • Define mapping rules that specify which attributes from SAP and ServiceNow should overwrite or update existing attributes in Saviynt.

    b. Synchronization Schedule:

    • Set up a synchronization schedule that suits your needs (e.g., daily, hourly) to keep user data in Saviynt up-to-date with changes from SAP and ServiceNow.

    c. Conflict Resolution:

    • Define conflict resolution policies in Saviynt to handle cases where conflicting data arises between SAP and ServiceNow, ensuring that the authoritative source (as per priority) is used.

Rushikesh Vartak
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