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Create User Form - Concat two form fields with a random number

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Assume there are two dynamic attributes on the create user form, Value1 and Value2

In a third field, value1 and value2 need to be concated along with a random number.

This has to happend at runtime on the form itself, not after the form is submitted. I enter value1 and value2, the third fields should be concat of val1 + val2 + random number

Ex -

value1 = testing

value2 = saviynt

value3 = testingsaviynt<random number>

Note - The new value which is a concat, should be checked against a column in users table too.

Any leads on this ?




Random Number 

select FLOOR( RAND() * (maximumValue-minimumValue) + minimumValue) as anyVariableName;

select case when concat('$DA1','$DA2',FLOOR( RAND() * (10-1) + 1)) in (select username from users) then concat('$DA1','$DA2',FLOOR( RAND() * (10-1) + 1)) end as s

Rushikesh Vartak
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Hello! I was trying to hide the displayname field in the Create User form but it should get the firstname and lastname of the user once it is created, I used this but it didn't work. Any suggestions? TIA

Insert into "Validation Conditon" parameter the following value : ${displayName==(firstname+' '+lastname)} by updating it accordingly with your attributes' name.

Rushikesh Vartak
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Did not work. Should I still set the attribute displayname as STRING when I use that code?


Rushikesh Vartak
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Unfortunately, this one didn't work. Seems that there's more something to it. 

You need single select drop down in order to auto populate display name please refer below configuration.

firstname & last name is string type & manager is  dropdown once manager is selected displayname will be populated








Rushikesh Vartak
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