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Box OOTB Connector Operations

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi I am wondering if its possible to use the OOTB Box Connector. Alot of the connection configurations look to be obsfucated by Saviynt and handled on the backend. I don't see any config fields for most operations. Specifically, I am wondering if the OOTB connector can handle the deletion of box accounts and trasnfering that user's box directory ownership to another user?

I have reviewed this doc: 

It states the following: 

  • De-provisioning of accounts and access to Entitlements from EIC to Box Cloud application is support

However, I don't see any configuration options for deprovisioning so that leads me to believe its all handled on the backend with no customization available. If so, I'm assuming we can only disable accounts and not delete and transfer ownership?



Even documentation does not say anything on v23.x or v24.x

Rushikesh Vartak
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So does that mean I need to open a support ticket to get clarification on operations supported?

Provide feedback on documentation portal

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

I tried leaving feedback on the doc but just gives me 403 error when trying to submit....

@jralexander137  The document feedback submission issue is resolved now. You should be able to submit inline feedback on the document portal now. Can you please try again and let us know?