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Birthrights removal via analytics considering deleted accounts

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor


Since we are using an sql query as an action in our technical rules to apply birthrights to users in our environment, we are not 100% confident that the birthrights will be removed once the technical rule does not apply to the user anymore.

This is why we have setup an analytic which will deprovision access of the entitlements based on the opposite conditions of the technical rule, should the technical rule itself not correctly deprovision access.

This works fine, but our problem is that in every analytic we make for this or anything else, the database will always return us deleted users as well. 

Our question is: Is using a condition like NOT LIKE '%deleted on%' the only way to exclude deleted accounts from the results of the analytic? Since we want the analytic to run on inactive accounts as well, we can't just use a.status = 1 OR a.status = 'Manually Provisioned' since this will exclude inactive accounts.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @Caesrob either you filter on the basis of name for status 

Deleted account will have suspended from import service as status.