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Assign Entitlement to an AD Account using HQL in Technical Rule

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All,

We have a below requirement.

User can have 2 AD Accounts. Primary and Secondary Account

Primary Account has Entitlement 1, Entitlement 2 etc

Secondary Account has Entitlement 3 having CP1=1

Requirement is:

fetch all user AD accounts having entitlements with cp1=1

Assign CyberArk Entitlement to User's Primary Account

We have achieved this using Actionable reports.

Question: Is it possible to achieve this requirement using Detective Technical Rule with HQL?



Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

Yes , all tables you need are exposed for rules.

Above link has the hql class names and syntaxes


Kind Regards,
Amit Malik
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Amit,

Thanks for your reply.

 In Technical Rule Condition, we are trying to fetch list of Primary AD Accounts, not the User details and it is throwing Invalid condition. Could you please let us know if the below condition is correct? in (SELECT FROM Accounts a JOIN Account_entitlements1 ae ON ae.ACCOUNTKEY = a.ACCOUNTKEY JOIN Entitlement_values ev on ev.entitlement_valuekey = ae.entitlement_valuekey JOIN User_accounts ua on ua.accountkey = a.accountkey JOIN Users u on u.userkey = ua.userkey WHERE a.endpointkey = 65 AND a.status IN ('1', 'Manually Provisioned') AND ev.customproperty1=1)

Thank you


rules run on user, but it allows you to access other tables in advance query but the outcome of query has to be a user.

what you are trying in above query wont work

Kind Regards,
Amit Malik
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Hi Amit,

Thank you. I will modify the condition and test it.

Thank you



@rashmirudrappa  Use below query i have validated it

Rushikesh Vartak
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USe below condition

rushikeshvartak_0-1728401342577.png IN (select ua.userkey FROM User_accounts ua WHERE ua.accountkey IN ( SELECT FROM Accounts a,Account_entitlements1 ae ,Entitlement_values ev where a.endpointkey = 65 and a.status IN ('1', 'Manually Provisioned') AND ae.accountkey= and ae.entitlement_valuekey and ev.customproperty1 = '1'))


Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Rushi,

Thank you very much. I will test it and confirm.

Thank you
