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Alert for inactive users

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a policy to disable user AD accounts after 30 days of inactivity. We already have a job to create a pending task to disable the account at the 30 days but Im trying to find a way to send a notification email to the users manager 7 days prior to the users account being disabled.

Any Ideas?



Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II


You can configure Analytics to detect the user accounts that are to get disabled in next 7 days.

Configure email templates and attach to above.




select u.username as username, u.firstname as 'First Name',u.lastname as 'Last Name', u.EMPLOYEETYPE as 'Employee Type', u.createdate as 'Creation Date', u.enddate as 'End Date' ,e.displayname as 'End Point Name',a.ACCOUNTKEY as acctKey,'Deprovision Account' as Default_Action_For_Analytics from users u, accounts a , user_accounts ua, endpoints e where u.userkey = ua.userkey and a.accountkey = ua.accountkey and a.ENDPOINTKEY =e.endpointkey and a.status IN (0, 'Manually Suspended') and e.endpointkey=6

Above will Deprovision Access.

Email alerts

  1.  Attach email template in Analytics
  2. Enable below config from Global Config (This will)



3. Email Template :

The Email template assigned to the control should contain ${userEmail} or ${ANALYTICSDATA.<columnname-with-valid-email>} in the TO/CC/BCC field.



Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Thanks! I have this working up to the point where it wont send the email if ${ANALYTICSDATA.'First Name'[0]} ${ANALYTICSDATA.'Last Name'[0]} is in the body. If I remove it however, the email get sent. Not sure what im doing wrong. I appreciate all the help! 

First Name & Last Name as Basically Column name from report. Please provide exact column name 


Or print full variable


Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I was able to get it to work, it just doesnt like the ${ANALYTICSDATA.'Manager_Email'[0]} in the To or CC fields. Manager_Email is the exact name of the column in the analytics that has the managers email address.



New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Working perfectly now, I adjusted the name of the column I was referencing to get the managers email. Also found that the email template must be sent to ${userEmail}.

Thank you for all the help!