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AD Integration Questions

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi Team,

I am working on an AD integration i have two doubts.

1) when i create a user how to specify which ou the user will be created?

2) after creating a user it goes to manually provisioning state post that i am running application data import job but still it shoes manually provisioned only how to get it to active?




1) when i create a user how to specify which ou the user will be created?

Specify the rules to generate the DN for the account for provisioning separated by ### in the ACCOUNTNAMERULE parameter. This parameter is evaluated while creating an account and update of any attribute-driven name rule and OU movements for an account.

Configuring the Integration for Provisioning and Deprovisioning Accounts (

2) after creating a user it goes to manually provisioning state post that i am running application data import job but still it shoes manually provisioned only how to get it to active?

Configure the STATUS_THRESHOLD_CONFIG with  possible active status and inactive status.

Configuring the Integration for Importing Accounts and Access (


Sumathi Somala
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Hi I use account name rule in connector like this

CN=${user.username},OU=Saviynt Users,OU=Saviynt,DC=securdi,DC=com

will it succesfully create the user in OU=Saviynt Users,OU=Saviynt,DC=securdi,DC=com?

Hi Deepanshu,

Try adding conditions like below to Accountnamerule json:
CN=${user.displayname},${if(user.employeeclass.equals('Employee')){'OU=User Accounts,OU=User Directory,DC=xyz,DC=com'}else{'OU=External Accounts,OU=User Directory,DC=xyz,DC=com'}}

It should work.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi @Deepanshu271 ,

You can achieve the first point via Account Name Rule -


And second is ootb , that should happen automatically. Make sure you have configured Status and Threshold config correctly.




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