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AD ENDPOINT FILTER for different entitlement types

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Regular Contributor



is there a way to separate AD groups into different entitlement types in an AD ENDPOINT FILTER?


We have different requirements for an AD application AD groups:

1. a request option - a single drop-down menu

2. a request option as table


So, how to separate the AD groups (entitlements) into 2 entitlement types?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Olesia 

You can create a child endpoint via endpoint filter with all the groups and then you can manage them as single drop down for parent and table as child.

But can you let us know what is the business requirement on this ? as the above solution may cause unnecessary data bringing into saviynt and maintaining them in two entitlement types.




Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @Darshanjain,

could you please describe in more details how to "manage them as single drop down for parent and table as child"?

Our business requirements:
we have:
- Security System "Active Directory"
- child endpoint "Endpoint1"
For the Endpoint1 we use an ENDPOINTFILTER so, the Endpoint1 has one entitlement type "memberOf".

We would like the Endpoint1 to have 2 entitlement types with different request options:
1. single drop-down menu
2. table

Hi @Olesia 

You can manage with one endpoint to have e entitlement types of same types. 

Parent endpoint: Endpoint1

Child endpoint :Endpoint2

Now both will have different ent types and you can keep one as table and single drop down. If you want this to achieve in single endpoint then its not possible as ent types cannot be duplicates.




Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Yes, we need to have them in a single endpoint.

Is there a way to use a manually created ent. type and set the AD ENDPOINT FILTER so that it will filter out some of the AD groups to this new ent. type?



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @Olesia 

No it's not possible, endpoint filter will create a new endpoint not entitlement type. 






Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Thanks for your comments!