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AD Account Creation - Match sAMAccountName and mail/UPN

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I have a requirement to match the format of sAMAccountName and mail/upn prefix when generating an AD account. Currently, sAMAccountName is mapped to systemusername (SystemUsername Generation logic attached) and mail/UPN mapped to Email (also attached).

We have a need when creating AD account for upn and mail to match the systemUsername format. Currently, it is possible to provision someone an AD account with the following data.

sAMAccountName: Gus.T.Martinez


Is there a way to ensure that the sAM and mail/UPN align?

Intended mail/UPN:

I have thought of omitting systemusername and email from the identity and using CHECKFORUNIQUE in the AD connection itself, but still don't see that resolving my issue.



You can use preprocessor to copy systemusername to email while importing user

Rushikesh Vartak
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The only issue is we need to mirror the format, but not necessarily the value directly. We have a char limit on sAMAccountName (systemusername) but we don't have that restriction on email, so it may be different but I need the format to match. Basically here are the things I'll need to key on when building the email.

- Is Middle initial included in systemusername? first.mi.last

- Is there a number at the end of systemusername? first.last2

Based on those possible cases, it will generate the email. How could we determine if one of those cases is met in the preprocessor?

You will have access to database tables and you should be able to check same.

Rushikesh Vartak
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Our users are being created via Saviynt API from a SNOW form, so we would not have access to a preprocessor.