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a 3rd group in an endpoint where 3 rd group will have access to add or remove users from existing 2

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

We have an endpoint where we have 2 groups, where we want to add a 3rd group where users from 3rd group will have the access to add/remove users from the remaining 2 groups.

How can we achieve this?




Please explain with example

Rushikesh Vartak
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there are some users in a group A say , we want to create an another group B where only the usersAmanger are present and will have access to add or remove users in group A.

Like if we can add it in the entitelment query if users  has entitelment B then only they have access to add or remove users from the other group.

Honored Contributor III
Honored Contributor III

@Riya entitlement query is for user the request is been raised.

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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

How can we achieve this then?

  • You can use Sod if your requirement is if user is part of Group B then not of Group A

Rushikesh Vartak
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my requirement is if group B  can add and remove users from the  group A .

Like if the user has this b entitelment then he can add or remove users from A entitelment.

Then you can use access query

Rushikesh Vartak
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Acces query in endpoint


Rushikesh Vartak
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but that would be for the application i want it for the entitlements present in that application.

Like if user has entitlement B then he can see both A and C entitlement in that application so that way he can add or remove. A and C are not requestable right now we want it to be accesed by only B.

  • Then using dynamic attributes you can achieve above logic

Rushikesh Vartak
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what should i choose in request type?


Rushikesh Vartak
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