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Workflow Configuration based on type of Access

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hello Everyone,

I have a use case and need some help and expertise to achieve it.

Use case is I have to create a workflow, a 3-level approval workflow. 

1st level is manager level approval, 2nd is group owner and 3rd is application owner.

Catch here is that if the user has read only access to the group he is requesting then the 2nd level approval is not needed and should be skipped.

User(Request) will undergo all three level of approval if he has write or execute access to the group.

How should I create/configure the workflow in such a way that approval levels change depending on the access the requestee/user has.

Thank You.



Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @mirani,

We are checking on your request and we will keep you posted.


How to identify group access is read only / read-write ? where is value stored ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I am not sure about that though but gonna get a clear picture of it very soon.
But there is a similar case where there are mutliple groups and based on the group the level of workflow will change.
The groups are exactly similar except the name but we can add a dummy custom attribute to differentiate the groups.(Group A- keeping as it is; Group B- Adding a dummy value in its any custom property so as to differentiate between Group A and Group B)
Can we leverage this custom attribute and use an if else component in the workflow?

You can leverage customproperty

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Currently I am using this condition, can someone just confirm whether it is right or wrong as it is not working yet.

if(entitlement_values.CUSTOMPROPERTY3 == "YES")

this condition is to differentiate between Group A and Group B as mentioned above and the customproperty3 of the entitlement is populated with value "YES"; it is a random value.

entitlement.customproperty3 eq 'YES'

Rushikesh Vartak
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I am adding the screenshot of the workflow.

The problem is, after the 1st level, if the condition is true, the request moves to 2nd level but even after approving at the 2nd level, it kind of gets stuck at the 2nd level.

Like even after approving it multiple times the request still remains at the 2nd level and does not proceeds to the 3rd level.

I checked the logs too but no error or anything unusual.

Can someone check the workflow and see what might be the issue?

Remove groovy from language of if-else 

Rushikesh Vartak
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