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 I need your help there is a requirement to Import Account from Rest based application as Rest based integration supports only full account Import doesn't support incremental Import and the full Import taking longer time around 24 hrs to complete. AP...
Query to show primary certifiers of multiple entitlements 
Hi Team,I launched a campaign for entitlement owner. When i see it in preview mode. It is showing only 1 entitlement for certification. Other entitlements are not picked up.Kindly help on what checks to be done.Below are the screenshots of configurat...
pls help on this to get the data for need data for Saviynt ticket was raised in past one year to change the owners of application
below query need change to get the active and inactive users in that particular applicationSELECT ep.endpointname,Date_format(a.created_on, '%Y.%m') AS Month,Count(DISTINCT ua.userkey) AS user_countFROM user_accounts uaJOIN accounts aON ua.accountkey...
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