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Hi!I was testing this functionality in v2021 Release-2021.0.4.25, by trying to remove Entitlement owners. 1) I Imported ENTITLEMENT_OWNERS.SAV and Entitlement_Owner_Import.csv by using Settings/File Directory/SAV and Settings/File Directory/Datafiles...
Hi!Customer wants to replace Privileged Access management capabilities with Saviynt PAG1. Customer requests  entitlement to be eligible for another Enterprise Role  (Microsoft Zero Standing Access)2. If customer is eligible he/she is auto approved to...
Hi!Can i use CreateAccountJSON to initiate Powershell in Target Windows Server, which is only writing one word in Notepad in Windows Server? {"accountIdPath":"accountName","responseColsToPropsMap":{},"call":[{"name":"call","connection":"auth","url":"...
Hi!If we have business case where we would like to stop Provisioning jobwhen this have been tried e.g 5/10 times.  For example if AD Provisioning Tasks are failing and this has been retired 5 times then Provisioning towards these Tasks  would stop.Ca...
Hi!If Service Account password is having characters like ':}" etc.. i believe those will break REST Connection JSON?Best Regards,Päivi 
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‎11/24/2022 11:52 AM