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Hi all ,I need to find numeric employee ID in technical rule facing error ,while executing the advanced SQL query in technical rule showing invalid condition but successfully executed on SQL builder. Could you please help me on empid from...
Hello All,i need a help to find out the numeric employeeid here it is the condition and converted into advance sql query.And( u.status == true, IsRegexMatch(u.Employee ID, "^\d+$") )
Hello all need a help for  generating  the StemUserName according to the following conditions.All lower case, remove diacritics <firstname>.<lastname>[<xxx>] Limited to 20 characters, if necessary truncate last name ,Uniqueness, In case of duplicate,...
HelloI want to generate the StemUserName according to the following conditions.all lowercases and limited to 20 characters if necessary truncate last name only take firstname first letter<Lower Case FirstName>.<Lower Case LastName><xxx> - where xxx i...
Is SSL certificate mandatory for Azure AD connection. 
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