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Hi,We are facing issue for technical rule, we want to assign enterprice role based on departmentname and title. We are using below syntax to achieve this but it is not evaluating rule.${user.departmentname.toString().replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z\\-\\s]", "")...
Hi,we are working on logical aaplication. We have updated endpoint filter with required entitlement name.on import child endpoint is created and accounts are also reflecting. We are facing issue related to account and entitlement relationship. On imp...
We are implementing Account import for rest connector. Below is the response of API from postman. This is the JSON which we have configured for account import. But accounts are not imported. We have checked logs and it gives 200 ok response with no ...
Hi,is there any binding variable available for entitlement displayname in email template
Is there any variable which can be use to get endpoints name provisioned to user and can be passed in rest connector Json
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