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Hello Everyone,I have to create different CN for different users having same firstname and lastname, I have configured this in account name rule.CN=${user.firstname+' '+ user.lastname},OU=XX,OU=XX-XX,DC=XX,DC=local###CN=${user.firstname+' '+ user.las...
Hello,We want to configure SAV Role for Application Owner, it should only show  User having that particular application access, for that we are configuring in Whom to request -> Request for self and user retrieved for advance filter.We have followed ...
Hello everyone,I want to display all the entitlement associated with the accounts in email, what is the binding variable i can use.Usecase is as following: If Requestor request for an access then the approver must get notification what are the access...
Hello,I have to work on an usecase where an analytics report gets generated and is saved in a Azure through SFTP. I am using this json in FILES_TO_PUT parameters, but i am not able to provision analytics file to Azure. [{    "eic_src_dir":"/saviynt_s...
Hi Everyone,We are trying to compare old values and the current value of present users customproperty 40 through a preprocessor query we want to update customproperty41 as 'updated' if customproperty40 gets updated while user import.Please help us to...
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