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Organization Update Rule is not invoking "Update User" Tasks when organization update from UI

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New Contributor

Hello Team,
We have a Two Organization Update rules and both are having the same condition and action

1) Trigger when Org update From UI
2) Trigger when Org update From API

in the above two organization update rules we are calling update user task as shown below



Below is the Global Config that we have for organizations,



1) we did not check the "Organization modification auto approve" check box, we have selected one workflow in this dropdown, this workflow has one step auto approve.

Now the issue is 

1) When organization updated from API "Update User" Tasks launching correctly, this is because when org update from API there is no versioning/ workflow come into picture.

2) When organization updated from UI "Update User" Tasks are launching but creating duplicate "Update User" Tasks for same user. seems its a bug ?? any one faced this issue before ?? 





"Organization modification auto approve" Option is decommissioned in v24.3 

Currently rule seems working with auto approve workflow. Please raise idea ticket for working with Workflow attached

Rushikesh Vartak
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