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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Use Case

Need to be able to save REST API response in Saviynt during Create account request. In this scenario, the target application generates the status value on Account creation and the same needs to be saved in Saviynt's Custom Property attribute. 


Ensure the CreateAccount JSON is valid and the call is successful for creating accounts in target.

Applicable Version(s)



Snippet of response from logs

2022-04-27 15:24:05,763 [Thread-138] DEBUG rest.RestProvisioningService  - Got Webservice API Response: 
[headers:[Content-Type: application/json, Content-Length: 361], responseText:{"code":0,"msg":"success",
"time":1651073045,"eventTime":"2022-04-27T15:24:05.000+00:00","data":{"name":"xxxx xxxx A/P xxxx xxxx",
"pagination":null}, cookies:[], statusCode:200]
We need to update responseColsToPropsMap and use the below value to store in Saviynt.
Based on the response above, we need to read the value under which the user attributes are visible in response. (highlighted in green)
In our case it was under data, for some other application it could also be under "User" or any other value. 
"accountIdPath": "accountName",
"responseColsToPropsMap": {
"customproperty1": ""
"call": [
"name": "CreateUser2",
"connection": "acctAuth",
"url": "",
"httpMethod": "POST",
"httpParams": "{}",
"httpHeaders": {},
"httpContentType": "application/json",
"successResponses": {
"statusCode": [
New Contributor III
New Contributor III

@SB what if one need to map attribute values of user object instead of response. is it possible? if yes can you share example

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

responseColsToPropsMap can only be used to save the response you receive from the target. In case this is an attribute you can store in the target application, then you can pass it in the Create Account JSON. There are 2 ways to store it back in any of the Account's CP attribute.

1. If the target response does display this attribute post Account creation, you can leverage the responseColsToPropsMap parameter. OR

2. In your Account import mapping, map the targets attribute where we provisioned this value to the CP attribute of Saviynt.

Version history
Last update:
‎04/04/2024 07:20 AM
Updated by: