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Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Use Case

Achieve Email uniqueness check during email generation against existing proxy addresses/other attributes mentioned apart from the email attribute field.
A common use case to to have a lookup table before generating email so that any other unique check can happen and generate the email accordingly.


Target system ( i.e AD or Azure AD or Exchange ) is connected already with Saviynt.

We just need to import proxyAddresses ( user import ) extra attribute, process them and fetch Primary SMTP and save them in the data column in the userAttributes Table.

Applicable Version(s)

EIC v21+


Saviynt checks the email as well as the data column ( user_attributes table ) before generating email address, so user_attributes can be used as a lookup table to store the email address so that it is captured during email address creation.
As there is no direct way to feed the data in user_attributes table we have exposed this table in inline processing as well as direct mapping in user import.
lets take AD as the target system, proxy address is the attribute which is being stored multiple emails. In the user import mapping you would need to provide the below json as example







Userattribute Table is directly exposed and you will be able to see this attribute in user update history table.
You can map multiple columns to USERATTRIBUTE_EMAIL OR USERATTRIBUTE_CHECK1 OR any naming convention, in the user attribute table it will be stored in attributename as Email or check1.
For all entries in userattribute table, while generating email the data column value will be checked.
Sample modify user data json

Sample Json:



"COMPUTEDCOLUMNS": [ "customproperty2", "customproperty3" ], 

"PREPROCESSQUERIES": [ "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA, CURRENTUSERS cu SET CUSTOMPROPERTY2 = (select CONCAT(lastname, ', ', firstname) from CURRENTUSERS where userkey=1)", "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET CUSTOMPROPERTY3 = (select count(USERKEY) from currentusers)", "UPDATE NEWUSERDATA SET USERATTRIBUTE_EMAIL='email1,email2,email3' where USERATTRIBUTE_EMAIL like 'validation%'" }

You can set the userattribute_email accordingly and the data is split these into comma and entered these value in user_attribute table.


Userattribute_email = ",,"

In the user attribute table, the data is entered as in each row split by comma so that all emails will checked in email generation rule.




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@Darshanjain ,

I tried mapping comma delimited list of emails, from AD to userattribute_email but the import is failing with the below error message. 


Do I need to a pre-processor?


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @renatogiron 

Yes please use the inline processing as shown in the example so that this table is created in tempnewusers table




Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

@Darshanjain - you mentioned we can use the same in email generation rule . Can you mention how? 

Does our saviynt rule engine automatically check the userattributes table?

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Yes its OOTB feature, it checks automatically

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

@Darshanjain can we use USERATTRIBUTE_EMAIL in computed column? When I tried it was throwing some error. My requirement is to bring in proxyaddress from account CP to USERATTRIBUTE table via Sav4Sav

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Yes you can @shibinvpkvr . 

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II


I was able to map account CP which is comma separated format directly to USERATTRIBUTES_EMAIL field. looks like its splitting the value and inserting into multiple rows in userattributes table. However, I noticed every time it duplicates the last value in comma separated format into the table. if I have email1,email2,email3 as value then first time it inserts into 3 rows. next time onwards email3 is getting inserted into the 4th row. Next time email3 is inserted into 5th row and so on its growing.

Also how will we clear this once the proxy address is removed. I tried to make USERATTRIBUTES_EMAIL NULL but that did not remove the userattributes entries. 

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @shibinvpkvr 

Yes we have noticed this issue and we have taken it to our engineering team, Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

If you want to clear it, then you need to use the table user_attributes and column data to clear it.

But why do you want to clear it off, these are mainly used for uniqueness generation of email

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

@Darshanjain if the alias has been removed from the mailbox, then that should be available for email generation, right? otherwise those will never be available to use for anyone.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @shibinvpkvr 

Yes, agree but right now you can only add the data in user_attributes table, If you want to update the table you can use the custom query job to update the data column so that it can be reused.


Also for any specific cases, we would want you to open a forum topic and then you paste this KB link and discuss that would be better.

Thanks in advance.

New Contributor
New Contributor

@Darshanjain Can we achieve the same check for "System Username generation"?? We got to check this against other user attribute before we assign this to any new user that is onboarded. 

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @SaiSandeep1025 

No, this is only for email generation rule.




New Contributor
New Contributor

@Darshanjain We are using an ADSI connector.Can we directly use the user_atrribute field with USERATTRIBUTE_EMAIL:proxyAddresses#String] , or we need to bring teh proxyaddresses in a account CP and then bring the account cp value to user_attribute table?

@SaiSandeep1025 Is this working for you?

New Contributor
New Contributor

Also, We are using v5.5 SP3. Does this version support the email uniqueness checks?

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

HI @ashachakraborty 

Email uniqueness check works in those table, but the data entering into those tables are not supported via inline preprocessor 


New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi @Darshanjain ,

Currently how we are achieving this scenario?

We have a requiremnet that, while creating the SMTP or any proxy address it should check the unicity with all the existing proxyaddresses. 

Is this supported currently? If not, do we have any workaround? ALso, we are using ADSI connection in saviynt v5.5 SP3.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @ashachakraborty 

Currently we are asking all customers to be migrated soon to EIC versions, but for time being you can create a stored procedure in DB( you need to create a FD ticket for this ) and execute that via Job.  But would recommend you to upgrade to EIC versions.

New Contributor
New Contributor

@Darshanjain it works with v2021 and above perfectly. but not with v5.5.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hi @ashachakraborty 

What doesnt work with v5.5, Also pls create a new article and refer this KB going forward please if you have any questions on this.

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @Darshanjain ,

So I'm using Azure AD to get the Proxy Address and store that in userattribute_email. 

But I'm confused about what to write in inline Processing. 

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II
New Contributor
New Contributor

We have a requirement to map the aliases from REST-based target to USERATTRIBUTES_EMAIL to check uniqueness of email. We are not able to directly map from REST connector using inline preprocessor. But we are able to set those to a user CP. Now can we write SAV4SAV to read from CP and update to USERATTRIBUTES_EMAIL?   

@shibinvpkvr  I see that you can read from account CP and map. Can you please share the sample/steps to map the CP to userattributes_email using sav4sav ?

Version history
Last update:
‎12/12/2023 04:11 AM
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