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WorkDay Access import failing with error.

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New Contributor

Hi All,

We are running workday Access Import job using RAAS_MAPPING_JSON.

Present we are trying to import few entitlement type details. 


Business Process Security Policy and Tasks And Reports


  "reportUrlMapping": [    
      "accessType": "Tasks And Reports",
      "url": "https://***********/*****/SAV_ReportsTasksGetPut?format=simplexml"      
  "reportUrlMapping": [  
          "accessType": "Business Process Security Policy",
      "url": "https://********/*****/SAV_BusinessProcessPermissions?format=xml",
      "inc_url": "https://********/****/SAV_BusinessProcesses?format=xml&Include_Changes_to_Security_Groups=0"


In ACCESS_IMPORT_LIST if we don't pass values, job is trying to pull all the types. So we tried passing values which ever we are trying to import.


ACCESS_IMPORT_MAPPING: As per document (In document these fields were mentioned, we can't use in mapping.) If we don't pass any value here also we are getting same error.




XML value as fallow: 



When we run import job we are getting fallowing error:


"2024-06-11T17:21:52.353+00:00","ecm-worker","workday.WorkdayAccessImportService","quartzScheduler_Worker-1-fgztp","DEBUG","Exception in Business-ProcessPermissions "
"2024-06-11T17:21:52.418+00:00","ecm-worker","","null-fgztp","","java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'wd:Descriptor' on null object at com.saviynt.provisoning.workday.WorkdayAccessImportService$_processBusinessProcessPermissions_closure8.doCall(WorkdayAccessImportService.groovy:1318)



New Contributor
New Contributor

Adding to above --> Document says we can't use these values in ACCESS_IMPORT_MAPPING. But we give a try by modifying as fallow.


"Business Process Security Policy": {
"ImportMapping": {
"ENTITLEMENTID": "wd:ID.type~#~char",
"ENTITLEMENT_VALUE": "wd:Report_Data.wd:Report_Entry.wd:Business_Process_Type.Descriptor~#~char"




"Business Process Security Policy": {
"ImportMapping": {
"ENTITLEMENTID": "wd:Business_Process_Type.wd:ID[0].type~#~char",
"ENTITLEMENT_VALUE": "wd:Business_Process_Type.wd:Descriptor~#~char"

Share sample report output 

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

Hi Rushikesh,


Thank for your response. 

Here is some xml output from the report(not full data).



"reportUrlMapping": [
"accessType": "Business Process Security Policy",
"url": "https://********/*****/SAV_BusinessProcessPermissions?format=xml",
"inc_url": "https://********/****/SAV_BusinessProcesses?format=xml&Include_Changes_to_Security_Groups=0",
"mappings": {
"businessProcessType": "wd:Business_Process_Type/wd:Descriptor",
"initiateAction": "wd:Initiate/wd:Action",
"securityGroups": [
"type": "Organization Partner",
"descriptor": "wd:Initiate/wd:Security_Group[@wd:Descriptor='Organization Partner']/@wd:Descriptor"
"type": "HR Administrator",
"descriptor": "wd:Initiate/wd:Security_Group[@wd:Descriptor='HR Administrator']/@wd:Descriptor"
"type": "Implementers",
"descriptor": "wd:Initiate/wd:Security_Group[@wd:Descriptor='Implementers']/@wd:Descriptor"
"viewDescriptor": "wd:View/@wd:Descriptor"




"Tasks And Reports",
"Business Process Security Policy"
"Business Process Security Policy": {
"mapping": {
"businessProcessType": "businessProcessType",
"initiateAction": "initiateAction",
"securityGroups": "securityGroups",
"viewDescriptor": "viewDescriptor"

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.

New Contributor
New Contributor

Hi @rushikeshvartak 


Thanks a lot for your review.

I have tried with given JSON. But job still failed with same error.

I have tried by tuning the given JSON, unfortunately same result all the times.



Also i have attached full log.


Report is expected start tag as wd:descriptor

Rushikesh Vartak
If you find the response useful, kindly consider selecting Accept As Solution and clicking on the kudos button.