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Win PS Connector - Update Account Json

New Contributor II
New Contributor II


We have use case, where update account task is getting generated from 2 sources. 

1- Standard Update account task via API request. 

2- Update account task via Analytics

The attribute or Powershell execution requirement is different in both the cases. 

Since we have to implement the logic in Win PS connector (Update Account Json), can you please help with a sample Json where if else block has been used e.g


if (Source == API task)

{run script from this block}

if (Source == Analytics)

{run script from this block}

Sample json from connector is as below - 

{"UPDATEACC":["Script=\$pw = convertto-securestring '' -asplaintext -force;\$mycred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist '\\\\',\$pw;Invoke-Command -ComputerName '' -ScriptBlock {Set-ADUser -Identity '${task.accountName}' -City '${}' -Company '${user.companyname}' -Manager '${user.owner}'}"]}



{"UPDATEACC":["Script=\$pw = convertto-securestring '' -asplaintext -force;\$mycred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist '\\\\',\$pw;if('${task.source}' == 'REQUEST'){Invoke-Command -ComputerName '' -ScriptBlock {Set-ADUser -Identity '${task.accountName}' -City '${}' -Company '${user.companyname}' -Manager '${user.owner}'}}else if('${task.source}' == 'ANALYTICS_V2'){Invoke-Command -ComputerName '' -ScriptBlock {Set-ADUser -Identity '${task.accountName}' -City '${}' -Title '${user.title}' -Department '${user.department}'}}"]}

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi @rushikeshvartak , 

That was helpful, can you please also guide.. how do we refer the request variable in the json. 

The sample show usage of user profile attributes.. but we need to pass new account owner DN as manager value in Active directory.  


Rushikesh Vartak
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Hi @rushikeshvartak , 


I have referred to different forums and documents. I am not able to find a clear answer to below query 

Is it possible to refer account properties in WIN PS connection jsons ?