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Win PS Connector, more questions

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

We have set up the Win PS Connector according to the doc from freshdesk, but when we try to connect to it we get a 500 error.  The URL is "", but looking at the server, the SaviyntApp directory under wwwroot doesn't have any sub directory named PS or and executable named ExecutePSScript.  I'm sort of wondering if we somehow installed the wrong app?  What we have under wwwroot is as follows - does this look right?  



What is issue with connector ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Don't know.  We get a 500 error, which provides no real information.
I'm trying to use postman to test, but I'm not familiar with that tool either.  So I probably have something mis-configured there.  But at this point I really just want to confirm I have the app installed correctly.
Can you tell me whether the above directory structure looks correct for the App?

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Problem solved:

In the App on IIS, the instructions tell you to put in the path where you installed Saviynt app. We interpreted it as:


You had to specify a subdirectory under that


Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Hi @tim_weaver ,

Did changing the SaviyntApp physical path in IIS resolve your issue you mentioned? The extracted content of the app I assume was copied to Saviyntapp as per the WINPS "documentation "

We have also setup Savapp per instructions but seems to be many missing parts in documentation. So right now also not able to test connectivity from POST and as a result are unable to successfully save and test the Winconnector under connections.

We have been struggling with this Saviyntapp and getting it setup.

Thanks in advance

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Yes that was what the problem was for us.
And I agree, that document has gaps.

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hello, @tim_weaver

I wanted to step in and understand the documentation gap with the intent to improve the same...
Could you please help with the below information?

Question 1) Can you let please me know what was the name of the alias that you created in step 2.1 of the section "Deploying Saviynt App" in the Understanding the Integration between EIC and Windows Server documentation?

Question 2: In step 2.3 under the section "Deploying Saviynt App" in the Understanding the Integration between EIC and Windows Server documentation, we state the below...

2.3: Select the physical path as the local folder path where you plan to deploy the code, for example, C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SaviyntApp.
You can create new folders in the Browse For Folder window.

Based on the conversation in this thread, I understand that selecting the physical path as "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SaviyntApp\WINPS" as opposed to what is documented (Without WINPS) in the physical path resolved your issue. 

Does correcting this path in the documentation and probably providing a reference image as below help improve the gap that you are referring to? are there any other concerns?

Screen Shot 2023-03-16 at 2.58.55 PM.png

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Keep in mind that I am a UNIX admin, doing windows work, here, so I'm not making the same assumptions a windows person would make.  That said, I had a Windows admin look over my setup and the instructions and he came to the same conclusions I did.

1. The alias we picked was SaviyntApp
2. For me the confusion was around step 3 - "Copy the Saviynt App package in the physical path mentioned in step 2".  That's fairly ambiguous.  What I took that to mean was unzip the app into that folder.  Doing that dumps the WINPS folder there as a sub folder (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\SaviyntApp\WINPS).   In order for the path stated in 2.3 to work, you would have to unzip the package elsewhere and copy the contents of the WINPS folder (not the folder itself) to that path (c:\inetpub\wwwroot\SaviyntApp). Or copy the WINPS folder to the wwwroot folder and re-name it to SaviyntApp.

I think changing the path in 2.3 and your screenshot would have helped, but more precise instructions for step 3 are needed.  Perhaps a screenshot of the directory tree when properly installed.