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Veracode - 401 Unauthorized on HttpEntToAcct

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

This is using an HMAC connection JSON. Accounts and entitlements import without any issue, when making the calls for HttpEntToAcct within the logs I see it is receiving a 401. I have built the calls out within Postman and it works fine. It's just a GET on an entitlement and all of its assigned accounts. I have test to see what Saviynt is sending in the call via Pipedream & Requestbin, and it was correct.

I am using a connection JSON found in another forum post -

ImportAcctEnt JSON -

    "globalSettings": {
        "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"
    "accountParams": {
        "connection": "acctAuth",
        "createUsers": false,
        "processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
        "statusAndThresholdConfig": {
            "deleteLinks": false,
            "accountThresholdValue": 5000,
            "correlateInactiveAccounts": false,
            "inactivateAccountsNotInFile": false
        "call": {
            "call1": {
                "callOrder": 0,
                "stageNumber": 0,
                "http": {
                    "url": "",
                    "httpHeaders": {
                        "Accept": "application/json"
                    "httpMethod": "GET"
                "listField": "_embedded.users",
                "keyField": "accountID",
                "colsToPropsMap": {
                    "accountID": "user_id~#~char",
                    "customproperty1": "first_name~#~char",
                    "customproperty2": "last_name~#~char",
                    "customproperty3": "email_address~#~char",
                    "customproperty4": "login_enabled~#~char",
                    "displayName": "user_name~#~char",
                    "name": "user_name~#~char"
    "entitlementParams": {
        "connection": "acctAuth",
        "processingType": "SequentialAndIterative",
        "entTypes": {
            "Teams": {
                "entTypeOrder": 0,
                "call": {
                    "call1": {
                        "callOrder": 0,
                        "stageNumber": 0,
                        "http": {
                            "url": "",
                            "httpHeaders": {
                                "Accept": "application/json"
                            "httpMethod": "GET"
                        "listField": "_embedded.teams",
                        "keyField": "entitlementID",
                        "colsToPropsMap": {
                            "displayName": "team_name~#~char",
                            "entitlement_value": "team_name~#~char",
                            "entitlementID": "team_id~#~char",
                            "customproperty4": "team_id~#~char"
                        "disableDeletedEntitlements": true
    "acctEntParams": {
        "connection": "acctAuth",
        "entTypes": {
            "Teams": {
                "call": {
                    "call1": {
                        "callOrder": 0,
                        "stageNumber": 0,
                        "processingType": "httpEntToAcct",
                        "http": {
                            "url": "${id}&size=5000",
                            "httpHeaders": {
                                "Accept": "application/json",
                                "Content-Type": "application/json"
                            "httpMethod": "GET"
                        "listField": "_embedded.users",
                        "entKeyField": "entitlementID",
                        "acctIdPath": "user_id",
                        "acctKeyField": "accountID"




Please share the logs in text format for easier debugging. Additionally, provide the task ID, error details, or specific line numbers where the issues occur to help us review the relevant sections efficiently.

Also share postman screenshot and curl command

⚠️ Important: Do not upload attachments containing sensitive information, such as IP addresses, URLs, company/employee names, or email addresses. For more information, refer to the Saviynt PII Policy.

Rushikesh Vartak
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