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RunAllanalyticsJob not creating tasks for default action

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi All,

We have created an actionable analytics with 'Provision Access' action only, when we run the analytics report it fetches the data and if we take Provision access action manually in that actionable report, the tasks get created successfully.

But for some reason if we run the job 'RunAllAnalyticsJob' for that same report the job is running successfully but tasks are not getting created. We have enabled 'Execute Default action for Analytics' in the job.

Please let me know for resolution.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @varunakarnia in analytics query add a column 

'Provision Access' as Default_Action_For_Analytics

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @NM ,

Yes we have included that earlier.

Below is the query that we used:-
select DISTINCT '179730' as entvaluekey, a.accountkey as acctKey, as accName, ua.userKey, 'Provision Access' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics' from entitlement_values ev JOIN entitlement_types et ON ev.entitlementtypekey=et.entitlementtypekey JOIN accounts a ON a.endpointkey=et.endpointkey JOIN account_entitlements1 ae1 ON ae1.accountkey=a.accountkey JOIN user_accounts ua ON ua.accountkey=a.accountkey JOIN users u ON u.userkey=ua.userkey where et.endpointkey=82 and a.accountkey in (select distinct accountkey from accounts where endpointkey=82) and u.LOCATION='XYZ' and ae1.entitlement_valuekey NOT IN (179730,179731) and u.statuskey=1 and a.status IN ('1','Active','Manually Provisioned')
select DISTINCT '179731' as entvaluekey, a.accountkey as acctKey, as accName, ua.userKey, 'Provision Access' as 'Default_Action_For_Analytics' from entitlement_values ev JOIN entitlement_types et ON ev.entitlementtypekey=et.entitlementtypekey JOIN accounts a ON a.endpointkey=et.endpointkey JOIN account_entitlements1 ae1 ON ae1.accountkey=a.accountkey JOIN user_accounts ua ON ua.accountkey=a.accountkey JOIN users u ON u.userkey=ua.userkey where et.endpointkey=82 and a.accountkey in (select distinct accountkey from accounts where endpointkey=82) and u.LOCATION='XYZ' and ae1.entitlement_valuekey NOT IN (179730,179731) and u.statuskey=1 and a.status IN ('1','Active','Manually Provisioned')

Did you selected  allowed access as Provision access ?

Rushikesh Vartak
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Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @varunakarnia , if you try to run a single quer as in the first one does it create any task?

share your job config

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Hi @NM , @rushikeshvartak 

Below are the configs of analytics and job. (I cannot paste the image here in reply)

Analytics config:

  • Allowed action- Provision Access (only)
  • Category- AppName (custom)
  • Sub category- AppName (custom)
  • Risk- Medium
  • Base Count- N/A
  • No. of history to keep - 10
  • status- active

Job config:

  • Type- RunAllAnalyticsJob
  • Analytics Categories- AppName (custom)
  • Sub category- AppName (custom)
  • Analytics application- N/A
  • Advanced option - Disabled
  • Execute Default Action for Analytics - Enabled



Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @varunakarnia , delete all existing runs of analytics from analytics history and then set base count to 1

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

I believe I understood why it was behaving that way.

I was running the analytics report for same user, thus I provision access via analytics job then to test functionality i remove same entitlements through ARS module for same user.

But when I run the analytics again via job the reason task was not getting created was because in Analytics History V2 that user was already processed in past with same entitlement (even though it got removed manually via ARS) in Saviynt analytics history, it was provisioned thus it will not create duplicate tasks

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Hi @varunakarnia , as I mentioned in my previous comment ..delete the existing run and set base count to 1


New Contributor III
New Contributor III

Yes. Thank you.

I troubleshoot with your said approach and then I got aware about this.

Thank you very much. Really appreciate it.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

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