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07/24/2024 05:16 AM
Hi Team -
I have a requirement to print in the email template the entitlement type and the request_access.requesttype along with the entitlements.
I have an application which has 3 different entitlement types requestable with entitlements of their own. So when the approval email is sent, I would like for the ${entitlementshtmltablerows} table to look like below (Especially when the request involves both addition and removal of roles)
Application | Role | Description | Glossary | entitlementtype | request_access type |
endpointname | entitlement displayname | value of entitlement type | is it add/remove access for entitlement |
Can someone advise on this please ?
Here is all the variables I see for the request which has both addition and removal of roles
ServiceAccountOwnerMap = [: ] entitlements = [Svc Commercial User, (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type)] accessapprovers = com. saviynt. ecm. workflow. Access_Approvers : 21546 jbpm_activity_name = Manager Approval allApproversComments = null
ServiceAccountOwnerMap = [:]
entitlements = [Svc Commercial User, (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type)]
accessapprovers = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Access_Approvers : 21546
jbpm_activity_name = Manager Approval
allApproversComments = null
fullrowhtmltablerows =
listofallrolesinrequest = []
approvedEntitlementsOwners = []
requiredPermission = Advanced Approvals User
entitlementshtmltablerowsv2 = Salesforce Svc Commercial User [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC Salesforce (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type) [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC
entitlementshtmltablerowsv3 = Salesforce Svc Commercial User [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC Salesforce (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type) [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC
ServiceAccountType =
requestlink = null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/CYT-WF-Approval-Disconnected-SFDC.2003678?reqid=9341
persona = Call Center-Service Sales-Dispatcher
allRejectorsComments = null
rolesApprovedOrRejected = []
rolename =
profile = Service User
request_access = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13519
users = 9299993
allRejectors = []
requestid = 2003678
rolemap = [:]
baseUrlForEmail =
assignee = RTandon
activityname = Manager Approval
ServiceAccountFlag = false
request = com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.ARS_Requests : 9341
exceptionCount = 0
fullhtmlassignedrows =
requestkey = 2003678
rejectedEntitlementsOwners = []
roles = null
rejectedByMap = [:]
out =
assigneemanager = rranjan
endpoint = CYT-Salesforce
requesttype = Modify
dynamicAttrsList = []
approvallink = null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/CYT-WF-Approval-Disconnected-SFDC.2003678
allrolesinrequest =
email =
endpoints = (Salesforce)
entitlementshtmltablerows = Salesforce Svc Commercial User Salesforce (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type)
rolesshtmltablerows =
manager = RTandon
approvedByMap = [:]
entitlement_values = [Svc Commercial User, (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type)]
allApprovers = []
requestor = 3632502
accounts = [[name:9299993, obj:9299993], 9299993, 9299993]
user = 9299993
curExecutionId = CYT-WF-Approval-Disconnected-SFDC.2003678
accessItems = [com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13519, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13520, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13521]
account = 9299993
[ServiceAccountOwnerMap:[:], entitlements:[Svc Commercial User, (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type)], accessapprovers:com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Access_Approvers : 21546, jbpm_activity_name:Manager Approval, allApproversComments:null, fullrowhtmltablerows:, listofallrolesinrequest:[], approvedEntitlementsOwners:[], requiredPermission:Advanced Approvals User, entitlementshtmltablerowsv2: Salesforce Svc Commercial User [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC Salesforce (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type) [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC , entitlementshtmltablerowsv3: Salesforce Svc Commercial User [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC Salesforce (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type) [StartDate-(24 Jul 2024 12:01)UTC , ACCOUNTKEY:389697, ServiceAccountType:, requestlink:null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/CYT-WF-Approval-Disconnected-SFDC.2003678?reqid=9341, persona:Call Center-Service Sales-Dispatcher, allRejectorsComments:null, rolesApprovedOrRejected:[], rolename:, profile:Service User, request_access:com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13519, users:9299993, allRejectors:[], requestid:2003678, rolemap:[:], baseUrlForEmail:, assignee:RTandon, activityname:Manager Approval, ServiceAccountFlag:false, request:com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.ARS_Requests : 9341, exceptionCount:0, fullhtmlassignedrows:, requestkey:2003678, rejectedEntitlementsOwners:[], roles:null, rejectedByMap:[:],, assigneemanager:rranjan, endpoint:CYT-Salesforce, requesttype:Modify, dynamicAttrsList:[], approvallink:null/jbpmworkflowmanagement/showrequestdetails/CYT-WF-Approval-Disconnected-SFDC.2003678, allrolesinrequest:, email:, endpoints:(Salesforce), entitlementshtmltablerows: Salesforce Svc Commercial User Salesforce (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type) , rolesshtmltablerows:, manager:RTandon, approvedByMap:[:], ACCOUNTNAME:9299993, entitlement_values:[Svc Commercial User, (HCLS Ability to change WO Billing Type)], allApprovers:[], requestor:3632502, ENDPOINT:104, accounts:[[name:9299993, obj:9299993], 9299993, 9299993], user:9299993, curExecutionId:CYT-WF-Approval-Disconnected-SFDC.2003678, accessItems:[com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13519, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13520, com.saviynt.ecm.workflow.Request_Access : 13521], account:9299993]
Thank you
07/24/2024 06:13 AM
Hi @shivmano , is this approval email or grant email?
07/24/2024 06:31 AM - edited 07/24/2024 06:32 AM
@NM , this is approval email
07/24/2024 06:44 AM
@shivmano only request with request access 13519 went to Ranjan for approval?
07/24/2024 07:00 AM
No all the request items went to the approver. 21546
07/24/2024 08:57 AM
${entitlementshtmltablerows} is internally prepared hence you can't change anything
07/26/2024 09:19 AM
Hi @shivmano , were you able to resolve it?
07/28/2024 10:45 PM
@NM , No I wish ${entitlementshtmltablerows} had more columns that can be shown like entitlement type and request access types (when we need to have same WF for add and remove access)
07/28/2024 10:57 PM
@shivmano we do have rowsv2 and rowsv3 which gives more details but no one provides with information in request access type.