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Rename entitlement custom properties based on endpoint.

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Regular Contributor

What is the reasoning behind not providing a way to rename entitlement custom properties based on endpoint ?   I see Saviynt provided a way to rename account custom properties for each endpoint, but the similar configuration is not available for endpoint entitlements.  

Is there any workaround to rename entitlement custom properties without impacting other endpoint entitlements ?  I understand this functionality exists in AzureAD connection, but looking for similar options on other connections too.  



Currently not supported from UI but you can use enhanced Query

select ENTITLEMENTTYPEKEY as entitlement_types__primarykey,'Deletion TimeStamp' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY1_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY2_LABEL,'Membership Rule' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY3_LABEL,'Dir Sync Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY5_LABEL,'Last Dir Sync Time' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY6_LABEL,'Mail' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY7_LABEL,'Mail Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY8_LABEL,'On-Premises Security Identifier' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY9_LABEL,'Security Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY10_LABEL,'Group Types' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY11_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY12_LABEL,'Membership Rule Processing State' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY13_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY14_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY15_LABEL,'Resource Provisioning Options' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY16_LABEL,'On-Premises Sync Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY17_LABEL,'Created Date Time' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY18_LABEL,'Visibility' entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY30_LABEL from entitlement_types where endpointkey in ( select endpointkey from endpoints where endpointname = 'US__Rushi' ) limit 1;

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor

Is this query to rename entitlement custom properties or entitlement type custom property labels?  

I am looking to rename entitlement custom property labels for each endpoint.  

Entitlement custom property are global and can't be updated per application

Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Just wondering why Entitlement custom properties are defined as global as each endpoint will have its own requirements to bring in the entitlements metadata.    What is Saviynt's recommendation,  1. Leave them as custom property without renaming, 2. dedicate group of custom properties for each endpoint ?

Was there an Idea/enhancement already in the product roadmap?

By bad and confused above query will update application specific entitlement labels 

select ENTITLEMENTTYPEKEY as entitlement_types__primarykey,'Deletion TimeStamp' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY1_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY2_LABEL,'Membership Rule' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY3_LABEL,'Dir Sync Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY5_LABEL,'Last Dir Sync Time' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY6_LABEL,'Mail' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY7_LABEL,'Mail Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY8_LABEL,'On-Premises Security Identifier' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY9_LABEL,'Security Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY10_LABEL,'Group Types' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY11_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY12_LABEL,'Membership Rule Processing State' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY13_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY14_LABEL,null as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY15_LABEL,'Resource Provisioning Options' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY16_LABEL,'On-Premises Sync Enabled' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY17_LABEL,'Created Date Time' as entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY18_LABEL,'Visibility' entitlement_types__CUSTOMPROPERTY30_LABEL from entitlement_types where endpointkey in ( select endpointkey from endpoints where endpointname = 'US__Rushi' ) limit 1;


Sample App 1 


App 2




Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

Can you please share the query to update entitlement custom properties?  The query you are sharing is for entitlement types.  Are we supposed to update entitlement type custom properties table to rename  the entitlement custom properties?

When you update entitlement type label it gets implemented to entitlement 

entitlement type is group of entitlement so try it out I have also shared working example

Rushikesh Vartak
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