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Remove account for DataBase Application

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

I am doing DB application integration with Saviynt. This DB application only contains Account Management ( create / update /enable / disable account) and there is no access magannet for this DB application. This DB application supports multiple records for single user ( like for every region it will create new insert record in DB).
Requirement is :: user has access 3 regions like Europe, Asia, America that means user has 3 records in DB. now user want to remove one region (Asia) from existing records in DB. How can I design remove account (specific region) for DB application.?
Also how can end user raise a request for remove specific record in DB through ARS.? 

Please review use case and provide suggestion how to implement it.?


Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

Hi @Rajesh_IAM , could you please elaborate more on how to user get assigned to 3 regions?

Regular Contributor
Regular Contributor

@NM  I used insert query in both create account and update account JSON. initially one record will create in DB through create account JSON. Post that based user requests, more records will create in DB through update account JSON.

You can show regions are entitlement type and let user remove entitlements from region which will solve your use case.

Rushikesh Vartak
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@Rajesh_IAM : Can you differentiate the account names in different regions or it should be same?

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Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

@Rajesh_IAM , you can use DA which will trigger update account after removal and you can define the use case there .

Are entitlement specific to region or if one get assigned it will be accessible by all region?