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Read directly from app, but use Service Desk Connection for provisioning

Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi all,

Is it possible to configure an app from which we can directly read and import the accounts and access, but for provisioning (add/remove accounts or access), we use a ServiceDesk connection? So, on the Security System configuration - we select a direct connection for "Connection", but a  servicnow-ticketing connection for the "Service Desk Connection" configuration for instance?

Our use-case is that we should directly read the application accounts/access daily, but we dont have write-access to the app, and we need to use a ServiceNow ticket for provisioning.




Rushikesh Vartak
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Regular Contributor II
Regular Contributor II

Hi Rushikesh,

So, our use is we have to read from a Database. So, we can create a DB connection and use for the "Connection" of the security system. But then, for provisioning access to the app, we can't write directly to the DB. We need need to create a servicenow ticket. I can create these connections individually and check that the ticket creation is working and account/access import is working.

Just want to confirm my understanding -

so, when a request for a new account/access is submitted, it will create a servicenow ticket and in EIC, the request status will show as Pending Provisioning. Once the ticket is closed, the account status in EIC will show as 'Manually Provisioned'. and when the account import job runs next, using the 'direct DB connection' and it picks up the new account, then the account status is EIC will change from 'Manually Provisioned' to 'Active'. Is that correct?

Understandanding is correct

Rushikesh Vartak
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