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Organization Creation Workflow

New Contributor III
New Contributor III


We have a requirement where, during the creation or modification of an organization in the Saviynt UI, we need to send the request to the organization owners that were selected at the time of organization creation.

I tried using the following workflow query in custom assignment block with various organization variables, but the request is being assigned to the admin always.

select o.userkey FROM organization_owners o, customer c where o.customerkey = c.customerkey and c.customername in (select raa1.attribute_value from request_access_attrs raa1, ars_requests ar1, request_access ra1 where ar1.requestkey = ra1.requestkey and ra1.REQUEST_ACCESSKEY = raa1.REQUEST_ACCESS_KEY and ar1.REQUESTKEY=${} and raa1.ATTRIBUTE_NAME = ${})

I used the following variables get the Organization name/id dynamically:

Could you assist me in understanding what is missing or incorrect in this workflow?
