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Issue for Token generation with REST Connection

New Contributor II
New Contributor II

Hi Team,

We have Oauth2.0 authentication to generate access_token for EC_NOV application. When we run the job to import account, we are getting 401 error. I have raised a ticket before for the same 

Connection Json :

  "authentications": {
    "acctAuth": {
      "authType": "oauth2",
            "url": "https://",
"httpMethod": "POST",
            "httpParams": {
               "username": "******",
                "password": "******",
                "grant_type": "******",
                "client_id": "*******",
                "client_secret": "*****"
      "httpHeaders": {
        "contentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
      "httpContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
      "expiryError": "ExpiredAuthenticationToken",
      "authError": [
      "timeOutError": "Read timed out",
      "errorPath": "error.code",
      "maxRefreshTryCount": 5,
      "tokenResponsePath": "access_token",
      "tokenType": "Bearer",
      "accessToken": "Bearer abc",
  "testConnectionParams": {
        "http": {
          "url": "https://",
          "httpHeaders": {
            "Authorization": "${access_token}"
          "httpContentType": "application/json",
          "httpMethod": "GET"
        "successResponse": [],
        "successResponsePath": "responseText",
        "errors": [
          "Couldn't authenticate you"
        "retryFailureStatusCode": [
        "errorPath": "error"

Please let me if you have any other suggestions on this.  

Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee

Hello @nbillu,

Could you please share the Postman Screenshot and also where are you passing the username and password, as i dont see in the previous fourm post, are the both same application.
Can you please enable the showlog= true and share the logs.

And also confirm which application you are trying to connect.


If you find the above response useful, Kindly Mark it as "Accept As Solution".

Hi @sudeshjaiswal 

I am trying to connect to EC_NOV application. attaching the postman screenshot and Few logs 

Application name : EC_NOV




2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-services.HttpClientUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-called executeGetRequestWithHeaders for api...
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-services.HttpClientUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-after calling executeRequestWithHeaders for api...
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-services.HttpClientUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-called api...
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-services.HttpClientUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-timeout validated for api...
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-services.HttpClientUtilityService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-got response for api...
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-rest.RestUtilService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-Got showLogs = true
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-rest.RestProvisioningService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-Got Webservice API Response: [headers:[Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8, Set-Cookie=******/; HttpOnly; Secure, WWW-Authenticate: Bearer realm="energyx", error="invalid_token", error_description="Failed to parse JWT", X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN, Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:12:27 GMT], responseText:<html><head><title>Error</title></head><body>Unauthorized</body></html>, cookies:[ECSERVERUSED=bbecf2906292b8a3; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure], statusCode:401]
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-rest.RestUtilService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-pullObjectsByRest - responseStatusCode ::401
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-rest.RestProvisioningService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-Entered getResponseHeaders method
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-rest.RestProvisioningService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-responseError : null
2024-04-16T15:42:27+05:30-ecm-rest.RestProvisioningService-http-nio-8080-exec-29-4wm4t-DEBUG-isAuthError: false

Hello @nbillu,
Please try with the below sample and share the debug logs, also add the testconnectionsparams to make sure the connectiosn is working fine.

	"authentications": {
		"acctAuth": {
			"authType": "oauth2",
			"url": "https://{URL}",
			"httpMethod": "POST",
			"httpParams": {
				"username": "******",
				"password": "******",
				"grant_type": "******",
				"client_id": "*******",
				"client_secret": "*****",
				"new_token": "true"
			"httpHeaders": {
				"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
			"authError": [
				"Failed to parse JWT",
			"httpContentType": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
			"errorPath": "error.code",
			"maxRefreshTryCount": 5,
			"tokenResponsePath": "access_token",
			"tokenType": "Bearer",
			"retryFailureStatusCode": [
			"accessToken": "Bearer ABCD"


If you find the above response useful, Kindly Mark it as "Accept As Solution".

@sudeshjaiswal  Application uses refresh token not access token. Access token expiry is 5 minutes . URL for refresh token and access token are same.

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

Hello @rushikeshvartak @nbillu,

Did you try using basic instead of auth,

	"authentications": {
		"acctAuth": {
			"authType": "oauth2", -- try Basic
			"url": "https://{URL}",
			"httpMethod": "POST",
			"httpParams": {				
				"grant_type": "******",
				"client_id": "*******",
				"client_secret": "*****"
			"httpHeaders": {
				"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
				"Authorization": "Basic XXXXX"  --you need to use username & password and get the encrypted string from postman
			"authError": [
			"timeOutError": "Read timed out",
			"errorPath": "error.code",
			"maxRefreshTryCount": 5,
			"tokenResponsePath": "access_token",
			"tokenType": "Bearer",
			"accessToken": "abcdefg",
				"testConnectionParams": {
				"http": {
					"url": "XXXX",
					"httpHeaders": {
						"Authorization": "${access_token}"
					"httpContentType": "application/json",
					"httpMethod": "GET",
					"successResponses": {
						"message": [
							"Process completed successfully"
					"successResponsePath": "",
					"errors": [
						"Couldn't authenticate you"
					"errorPath": "error"


If you find the above response useful, Kindly Mark it as "Accept As Solution".

Its not basic auth , Its oauth2 

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.

You need to upload public certificate in certificates management to resolve issue and perform restart

Rushikesh Vartak
If this helped you move forward, click 'Kudos'. If it solved your query, select 'Accept As Solution'.