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How to send user manager displayname and request approver name in create account json in DB

New Contributor
New Contributor


We need to send user manager displayname not the userkey and request approver displayname in create/ update account query for DB connection.

Provide any solution to send the attributes in query.



Share current JSON

for manager displayname 

${user?.manager?.displayName} or ${usersManagerObj?.displayName}

You can't fetch request approval 

Rushikesh Vartak
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${usersManagerObj?.displayName} it is worked.

And is there any logic to create dynamic attribute to fetch the username who had approved the request and send in json, in case if the approver is not the manager.

current json:

"insert into NPIT_USERS (USERID, DISPLAYNAME, EMAIL, INACTIVE, APPROVER_NAME, JOBTITLE, MANAGER) Values ('${user.username}','${user.lastname+', '+user.firstname}','${}', '0', '${usersManagerObj?.lastname+', '+usersManagerObj?.firstname}', '${user.title}', ' ${usersManagerObj?.username}')"

Esteemed Contributor
Esteemed Contributor

Hi @sudheera , DA comes into picture only at the time of submitting the request you can't have SQL query to fetch the details.

Approves happen after request submission and approval page..

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Valued Contributor II
Valued Contributor II

Try this out

Best Regards,
Sam Talluri
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Esteemed Contributor
Esteemed Contributor

Hi @sudheera try this 


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