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getting workday data using user update rules

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a requirement  where we need to retreive data from workday for a user and update customproperty 4  when ever a userid changes. and customproperty for userid is updated in users table.

How can we retreive data from workday using user update rules.


Saviynt Employee
Saviynt Employee


Could you please elaborate? User update rules are used to trigger a change once the user is updated from an import source (import via connector, api or UI) . 

When you setup Workday user import, please update the mapping for customproperty4 to the workday attribute and it should update the same in Saviynt.

Sahaj Ranajee
Sr. Product Specialist

New Contributor III
New Contributor III

We have a requirement where we need to import user data for a user from workday when a userid is updated 

we use Soap to update workday with userid.  when this update happens a refrence id is created.  We will need to update Saviynt with refrence id immediatly as there are scenarios where they can rename a userid anytime and refrenceid plays a role in updating userid in workday.  How do i update saviynt user